Chapter 1

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The door to my quarters hissed open at exactly 6 am. I crack open my eyes to see Terra standing in the doorway holding her stuffed bunny. She waddles over to my bed as I slide my legs over the side of my bed. When she lifts her arms, I pick her up and place her on my lap. I had created her two years ago and thanks to her life chip, which allows her learning ai to develop at the rate of a human. I pat her on the head as she cuddles up close. Ever since I made her, she has been extremely attached to me and loves to give me hugs.

Picking her up in my arms. I carry her to the dining room and setting her in her high chair. Sona is still in the lab, charging, so it's just me and Terra. I head to the kitchen to grab something to eat. I look through the cabinets and take out some of the freeze-dried food we had is storage. I check out stock and it looks like we are slowly running out. I sit down at the table with terra to eat.

When I'm done eating, I head to the lab to check on Sona after setting Terra down on the couch in the living room.. when I enter the lab, Sona opens her eyes as her system turns on. " Good morning, my lady," she says, bowing as she always does. I sit down in my wheely chair and roll over to my desk. I start to finish with the new body for Sona as her old one is starting to give out. Just as I was about to finish, Terra comes in. "Hugs" she says. She knows a few words like hugs and Gigi, which is the name of her stuffed bunny.

I set down the wrench I was using to tighten a bolt and pick her up, setting her on my lap. Sona sighs, knowing full well I can focus with Terra on my lap, so she comes and picks terra off my lap and carries her to the living room to draw. Terra starts to get fussy but Sona is an expert with kids and manages to calm her down by handing her Gigi. I sigh relived that Sona knows how to handle kids but it shouldn't come as a surprise as she handled me, as I was quite the fussy baby. I turn back to my desk to finish Sona's new body.

Finally, I finished with the work on Sona's new body. I called her over from where she was playing with Terra. " Are you ready?" I ask. She nods and sits down on the chair in front of me. Turning around, she pulls down her shirt to expose the control panel on her back. I gently remove her ai chip, making sure to not damage it. The only thing I will be changing is her body, so it's vital that the chip, which is very fragile, stay intact.

The second I remove the chip, her forms slumps over in the chair. I quickly inset the chip into the new body, which was based on her previous one with some minor differences she had requested. As soon as I insert the chip, I plug her new body into my computer to make sure the code is running properly.

Soon her new body whirred to life and the markings I had drawn that served as a way to allow her body to function almost exactly like a human began to fade. Her eyelids began to flutter as her system came fully online.

Once her eyes opened fully, she sat up, flexing her arms and legs to make sure they functioned properly. "Everything working well? " I ask, standing up and helping her off the table. She nods. " This body moves more smoothly than my old one," she says, smiling. After I unplug her from the computer, we head back to the living room, where Terra is waiting.

For the rest of the afternoon, Sona and I play with Terra. she enjoys drawing and shows me her art every couple minutes. After a while, she hands me a piece of paper and a pencil, motioning for me to draw with her.

She loves when I draw for her. After all, i made all the children's books for her based on all the stories Sona had told me when i was a child. Terra eventually stops drawing to stare over my shoulder at my work, clapping her hands when she recognizes herself in the picture.

I was drawing Me Terra and Sona and I having a picnic. We were in a large Medow which was covered in flowers with trees surrounding it. Terra had never seen anything outside of Calypso.

Calypso is a desolate sandy planet. nothing can survive here. Sona had explained to me that my mother and father had made this secret base as a last resort.

Sona had told me about the fate that befell my people. I am of the race called the Luminarans. My people were rooted in culture, music, art and technology. From what Sona had told me that my people were inventors and were known as some of the most intellectual of known space.

Many, many years ago humanity had attempted to take over all of known space but were nearly wiped out by a disease known as Homo Sapiens Affliction (HSA). but about 18 years ago when I was 1-year-old the human organization Hydra led by their leader Duradel attacked.

They attacked my planet Luminarana nearly completely destroying it and forcing my people to flee. Luckily, the shamans had managed to predict this catastrophic event in time for my people to escape the devastation. My parents, the king and queen, were absolutely devastated.

For two years my people survived on a large space station. But just as i turned three, Hydra attacked. my people and father had protected my mother while she brought me and Sona to an escape pod and programmed it to take us to the base on Calypso. luckily the pod had been cloaked with invisibility, otherwise Sona and I may not have made it out.

I finish the drawing and stare out the window. I decide to head to the control room. As I enter the weather device gives me the notification that there is a sandstorm on the way.

The sandstorms on Calypso are fierce but rare. When I turned ten, we had our worst sandstorm yet. Sona and I almost didn't make it. We get them once or twice a year.

Whenever we get a sandstorm, we have to go outside and make sure everything is secured. The only problem is that the air on calypso is famously unbreathable. Luckily I had created several gas masks for myself in case ever have to go out since Sona and terra don't need to breathe.

I rush over to the airlock and grab a gas mask. Sona looks up from where she was siting with Terra. "I'm going out," I say as I strap on the mask and making sure the goggle are secure and climbing into the air tight suit so that no sand gets in when I go out.

I quickly open and shut the door so that no sand gets into the base. Then I go around the base and make sure that everything is secure and that there are no holes in the base.

Just as I was about to go inside, I found a small hole. Using one of my inventions, which is a large spray nozzle that uses sand to make a flexible concrete that holds very well. This way the base won't break during the sandstorm and I have time to fix it later.

I give the base one more check before heading back inside. As I unstrap my suit, I find that a little bit of sand had managed to seep inside. Guess I need to update the suit again.

I head to the bathroom to clean off all the sand. Hopping into the shower. Luckily, our water tank had a filtration system that cleans all of our water since we reuse all of our water, since it is rare that it rains.

I let the hot water run down my body, washing away all the sand and dust. Normally I use I use our full body sanitation system that uses light to clean the body but I enjoy the occasional shower.

When I finally finished cleaning up, Sona called me to dinner. I sit at the table and she hands me a plate of some greens we grow in the greenhouse.

After dinner, while Sona cleans up, I take terra to the control room to show her the videos of my home planet before Hydra attacked. Terra always enjoys the music and movies I showed her.

Finally, it's time for bed and while Sona and Terra go to their charging pods, I head straight to my room. I get changed into my pajamas, which consisted of shorts and a tank top. After typing on my laptop for a few minutes, I shut it and climb into my bed.

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