Velvets Vanity

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She wasn't a stranger to social media, as newer demons from the 21st century began to arrive in hell, the medium began to rise.

With the prestigious Scarlet brand clothing and cosmetic disappearing from stores, other brands tried to make a grab for the top but so many were desperate for Scarlet.

It was time for a phase in her plan that worked when she was alive and it would work in hell as well, causing turmoil and destruction amongst the novices in the industry.

Butterflies flew from the mansion, they carried bag of powder across the pride ring. The butterflies pour the potion into as much make up as possible. And she would leave one brand untouched. She would leave Vox's brand untouched and the blame for the poisoned makeup would fall upon him.

The sound of insistent knocking echoed through (Y/n)'s door, the butterflies must have let someone in, disrupting the quiet evening atmosphere. With a sigh, she rose from her seat and made her way to the door, curiosity mingling with apprehension as she peered through the peephole.

To her surprise, she found herself face to face with Velvet, a notorious demon known for her extravagant tastes and sharp tongue. With a dramatic flourish, Velvet pushed past (Y/n) and into the room, her eyes narrowing in disdain as she surveyed her surroundings.

"(Y/n), we need to talk," Velvet declared, her voice dripping with urgency. "I simply cannot go on like this. My liner is an absolute disaster, and if I were to be seen in public looking like this, I'd be absolutely roasted on social media!"

(Y/n) grinned slyly at Velvet's sudden outburst, everything was going according to plan. "I'm sorry to hear that, Velvet," she grinned cautiously, her brow furrowing in concern fake concern. "But what does that have to do with me?"

Velvet let out an exasperated sigh, rolling her eyes as she retrieved a compact mirror from her purse. "Look at this mess!" she exclaimed, thrusting the mirror into (Y/n)'s hands. "My liner is all smudged, and my winged eyeliner is practically nonexistent. I need you to fix it, and fast! Please I need your brand of makeup, fuck Vox!"

(Y/n) had to bite her tongue to keep her from laughing maniacally. "I'm sorry, Velvet, but I'm not sure I can help you with that," she replied, her tone non-hesitant.

But Velvet was not to be deterred. With a pleading look in her eyes, she dropped to her knees, clutching (Y/n)'s hands in desperation. "Please, (Y/n), you're my only hope!" she cried, her voice trembling with fear. "You have to help me fix my makeup before it's too late!"

As (Y/n) watched the scene unfold before her, torn between amusement and annoyance, she smiled kindly, "I guess I can't help but to assist a poor soul in need, beauty is such a necessity."

"Finally someone gets me," Velvet sighed.

With a snap of her fingers, (Y/n) summoned a swarm of butterflies that fluttered into the room, carrying with them a bag of makeup. Velvet's eyes widened in delight as she reached eagerly for the bag, her fingers trembling with anticipation.

"Oh, thank you, (Y/n)!" Velvet exclaimed, her voice filled with gratitude as she eagerly rummaged through the bag. "This is exactly what I need to fix my makeup disaster!"

But as Velvet began to apply the makeup, a strange sensation washed over her, a feeling of euphoria and elation unlike anything she had ever experienced before. Her movements became frenzied and erratic as she applied layer after layer of the addictive substances, oblivious to the danger that lurked within.

Unbeknownst to Velvet, (Y/n) watched with a sense of satisfaction, her plan unfolding before her eyes. She had laced the makeup with addictive drugs, knowing that Velvet's insatiable desire for perfection would lead her to consume it without question.

As Velvet continued to apply the makeup, her eyes glazed over with a blissful haze, her senses overwhelmed by the potent cocktail of chemicals. She was completely unaware of the trap that had been laid for her, too lost in her own vanity to realize the danger she was in.

And as the effects of the drugs took hold, Velvet's demeanor shifted from one of desperation to one of blissful ignorance, her mind clouded by a false sense of euphoria. Little did she know, she had fallen right into (Y/n)'s trap, and there would be consequences far beyond anything she could have imagined.

As Velvet's addiction to the laced makeup intensified, her desperation reached a fever pitch. With trembling hands and wild eyes, she turned to (Y/n), her voice quivering with desperation.

"(Y/n), please," Velvet pleaded, her words coming out in a frantic rush. "I need more. I'll do anything—anything at all—to get my hands on another. I'll give you anything you want, even my soul."

(Y/n) regarded Velvet with a mixture of pity and contempt, her heart heavy with the weight of what she had done. She had never intended for things to escalate to this point, but now that they had, she knew there was no turning back. This would teach hell to never mess with the Butterfly demon.

"I'm sorry, Velvet," (Y/n) replied, her voice firm but tinged with sorrow. "But I can't give you what you're asking for. What you need is help, not more of this poison." There was a grin to her voice, she knew that the threat of taking away what Velvet desperately needed would make her more desperate.

And (Y/n) was right, Velvet's desperation only grew, her pleas becoming more frantic with each passing moment. She fell to her knees, tears streaming down her face as she begged (Y/n) to reconsider.

"I'll do anything, (Y/n)," Velvet sobbed, her voice raw with emotion. "Please, you have to help me. I can't live like this anymore."

As (Y/n) watched Velvet's desperation spiral out of control, a twisted idea began to form in her mind. With a sly smile, she extended a hand towards Velvet, offering her a contract that shimmered with dark energy.

"Velvet," (Y/n) said, her voice dripping with malice, "I can give you what you desire. But it will come at a price."

Velvet's eyes widened with a mixture of hope and fear as she gazed at the contract in (Y/n)'s hand. "What price?" she asked, her voice trembling with anticipation.

(Y/n) grinned wickedly as she outlined the terms of the contract. "I will provide you with an endless supply of makeup at a discounted rate and of course it'll be my top of the line products " she explained. "In exchange, I will require your soul and you shall do whatever I order you to do whenever I want you to."

Velvet hesitated, her mind swirling with conflicting emotions. But the lure of the addictive makeup proved too strong to resist, and with a shaky hand, she reached out to sign the contract.

As Velvet's signature appeared on the parchment, a sinister transformation began to take place. Green chains emerged from her neck, wrapping around her body like a sinister embrace. With each link that formed, Velvet's soul became more ensnared, bound to (Y/n) by a contract forged in darkness.

As the chains tightened around her, Velvet felt a sense of dread wash over her, realizing too late the true cost of her desire. But by then, it was too late—the deal had been struck, and she was bound to (Y/n) for eternity.

Caught in the Butterfly's Web (Hazbin Hotel x (y/n)Where stories live. Discover now