You're Mine

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After the grim task of burying the body was complete, Alastor stood beside (Y/n) amidst the silent stillness of the night, the weight of their shared ordeal hanging heavy in the air. The earth beneath their feet seemed to pulse with a silent echo of their actions, a somber reminder of the darkness that lurked within them both.

As (Y/n) brushed a stray lock of hair from her face, her gaze met Alastor's, her eyes shimmering with a mixture of exhaustion and resolve. Despite the harrowing events of the night, there was a sense of quiet strength in her demeanor, a steely determination that belied the fear that still lingered within her.

Alastor regarded her with a mixture of admiration and gratitude, a silent acknowledgment of the bravery she had shown in the face of danger. In that moment, he knew that he owed her a debt of gratitude—one that could never be fully repaid.

"Thank you, (Y/n)," Alastor said softly, his voice carrying a weight of emotion.

(Y/n) offered him a small, weary smile in return, her expression tinged with a hint of sadness. "You don't have to thank me," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "I couldn't just stand by and let you bury a body on your own, not after saving me."

There was a brief moment of silence between them, the only sound the gentle rustle of leaves in the night breeze. Then, Alastor spoke again, his tone tentative yet sincere.

"(Y/n), would you like to come back to my place?" he asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "You shouldn't be alone tonight, not after everything that's happened."

(Y/n) hesitated for a moment, her gaze searching his face for any sign of insincerity. But all she found was a genuine concern reflected in his eyes, a silent offer of solace in the midst of their shared turmoil.

After a moment's consideration, she nodded, a faint smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Yes, Alastor," she replied softly. "I would like that."

And with that, they turned and began the journey back to Alastor's home, their footsteps echoing in the quiet of the night as they sought refuge in each other's company, united by the darkness that bound them together.

As Alastor opened the car door for (Y/n), she slid into the passenger seat beside him, the weight of the night's events heavy on her mind. The interior of the car was cloaked in a solemn silence as they sat side by side, the engine humming softly beneath them.

As the car pulled away from the desolate stretch of road where they had buried the body, (Y/n) turned to Alastor, her expression guarded yet inquisitive. "Alastor," she began, her voice tentative. "I have to ask you something."

Alastor met her gaze with a solemn nod, his eyes reflecting the weariness that lingered within his soul. "Of course, (Y/n)," he replied evenly. "You can ask me anything."

(Y/n) hesitated for a moment, her thoughts swirling with uncertainty. But finally, she gathered her courage and spoke the words that had been weighing on her mind since the moment they had met.

"Are you... are you responsible for the disappearances?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Alastor's gaze softened with a mixture of resignation and regret as he met (Y/n)'s eyes. "Yes," he admitted quietly, his voice heavy with the weight of his confession. "I am."

A heavy silence settled between them, thick with the weight of the truth that hung in the air. (Y/n) struggled to process Alastor's admission, her mind reeling with the implications of his words.

"And what about you, (Y/n)?" Alastor asked, his voice cutting through the silence like a knife. "Are you... like me?"

(Y/n) swallowed hard, her heart pounding in her chest as she met Alastor's gaze with a mixture of apprehension and resolve. "Yes," she replied softly. "I am."

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