Mind Made Up

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In the dead of night, (Y/n) tossed and turned restlessly in her bed, trapped in the clutches of a haunting nightmare. Images flash before her mind's eye with cruel clarity, dragging her back into the depths of her past.

She finds herself standing alone in a dark, desolate alleyway, the air thick with an oppressive sense of foreboding. Shadows dance menacingly around her, whispering sinister secrets that send shivers down her spine.

Suddenly, a group of sinister figures materialize from the darkness, their twisted forms illuminated by the sickly glow of distant streetlights. (Y/n)'s heart lurches with fear as she recognizes them—the demons who had tormented her in life, the ones who had taken her and left her broken and bruised.

With a sinking feeling of dread, (Y/n) watches helplessly as the demons close in around her, their leering faces twisted with malice and depravity. She can feel their hot breath on her skin, hear their mocking laughter ringing in her ears like a cruel symphony of torment.

Memories flood back with agonizing clarity—the pain, the humiliation, the unbearable anguish of each violation. Tears sting (Y/n)'s eyes as she relives the horror of her past, every moment etched into her soul like a scar that refuses to fade.

In the nightmare, (Y/n) is powerless to stop them, to defend herself against their onslaught of cruelty. She cries out for help, but her voice is lost in the void, swallowed by the suffocating darkness that surrounds her.

Just when it feels like she can bear no more, a familiar figure emerges from the shadows—a demon with a twisted grin and crimson eyes that gleam with malevolent intent. It's Alastor, but his face is twisted with cruel amusement as he watches (Y/n) suffer.

Desperate and afraid, (Y/n) reaches out to him, begging for his help, but he only laughs—a chilling sound that echoes through the night like a death knell. In that moment, (Y/n) realizes the truth—Alastor was never her savior, only another predator in a world filled with monsters.

With a gasp, (Y/n) jolts awake, her heart pounding in her chest as she struggles to shake off the lingering echoes of her nightmare. She clutches the sheets tightly, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she tries to ground herself in reality.

But the memories linger, haunting her like ghosts from the past. And as (Y/n) sits alone in the darkness, she knows that some scars run deeper than the flesh, and some wounds never truly heal.

She hugged herself, "get a grip, get a grip, get a grip," she muttered to herself.

Her breathing ragged and her body trembling, Alastor stirred from his slumber, instantly alert to her distress. With a gentle touch, he reaches out to her, his concern evident in the furrow of his brow.

"(Y/n), darling, what's wrong?" he murmurs, his voice soft and soothing as he pulls her into his arms. He can feel her heart racing against his chest, the frantic rhythm echoing his own unease.

With a shaky breath, (Y/n) leans into his embrace, seeking solace in the safety of his arms. She struggles to find the words to express the terror of her nightmare, the memories still fresh in her mind like a festering wound. The only thing that came from her lips was a shuddering breath.

Alastor holds her close, his grip firm yet gentle as he tried to calm her racing heart. Internally, he felt a pang of guilt, a heavy weight settling in the pit of his stomach. He knew not of a way to get rid of the fears that haunted her dreams..

"I'm here, darling," he whispers, his voice a soothing murmur against her ear. "You're safe with me. It was just a bad dream."

But even as he speaks the words, Alastor can't shake the nagging feeling of culpability. He knows that he can't erase the horrors of (Y/n)'s past, but he vows to do everything in his power to protect her from any more pain. She's his darling, his precious butterfly, and he'll do whatever it takes to keep her safe from harm.

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