Until We Burn In Hell Part 1

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It had been a year since (Y/n) had met Alastor and they have become quite a couple. They even killed off madam Delacroix so that (Y/n) could take over her shop. Her designs were growing in popularity, as was Alastor's radio show, until the two were the talk of the town.

As the sun painted the morning sky with hues of pink and gold, Alastor and (Y/n) walked arm in arm down the cobblestone streets, the crisp morning air filled with the sounds of birdsong and distant chatter. With each step, their bond seemed to grow stronger, the warmth of their shared affection radiating between them like a beacon in the dawn.

Alastor glanced down at (Y/n) with a fond smile, her presence filling him with a sense of contentment he had never known before. "You look lovely this morning, my dear," he remarked, his voice soft with affection.

(Y/n) blushed at the compliment, her heart fluttering at the warmth in Alastor's eyes. "Thank you, Alastor," she replied, her voice tinged with shy gratitude.

As they approached the bustling street corner where (Y/n)'s workplace stood, a sense of reluctance settled over them, the impending parting casting a shadow over their otherwise idyllic morning stroll.

"I suppose this is where we part ways," Alastor said, his voice tinged with regret as he came to a stop beside (Y/n).

(Y/n) nodded, her gaze lingering on Alastor's face for a moment longer before she spoke. "Yes," she agreed softly. "But I'll see you tonight, won't I?"

Alastor smiled at the prospect, a glimmer of excitement dancing in his eyes. "Of course, my dear," he replied, his voice filled with anticipation. "But before I go, there's something I'd like to discuss."

(Y/n) tilted her head curiously, her brow furrowing in confusion. "What is it, Alastor?" she asked, her voice filled with curiosity.

Alastor took a deep breath, his heart pounding in his chest as he gathered his courage. "I was thinking... about us," he began, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "And about the future."

(Y/n) listened intently as Alastor spoke, her heart fluttering with anticipation. "Go on," she urged softly, her voice filled with encouragement.

Alastor took a moment to gather his thoughts before he continued. "I was wondering... about marriage, it's something I've never thought about but when I think about you, it seems right," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "So how about it? Us spending the rest of our lives together, as husband and wife?"

(Y/n)'s heart skipped a beat at the mention of marriage, her mind racing with a whirlwind of emotions. "Marriage?" she echoed, her voice tinged with surprise. "Alastor, I know you're not a fan of intimate relationships and I'm fine with that but Marriage?"

But before she could respond, Alastor reached out to gently cup her cheek, his eyes searching hers with a mixture of hope and longing. "But whether or not we marry, (Y/n)," he murmured, his voice soft yet resolute. "You will always be mine, and I will always be yours, until we burn in hell."

A smile spread across (Y/n)'s face at his words, her heart overflowing with love and affection for the man standing before her. "Yes, Alastor," she replied, her voice filled with certainty. "Marriage or not, I am yours, now and forever and even after forever when we burn in the fires of hell."

With a tender kiss pressed to her forehead, Alastor bid (Y/n) farewell and watched as she disappeared into the bustling crowd, her presence lingering in the air like a sweet melody. And as he made his way to the radio station, a sense of contentment settled over him, knowing that no matter what the future held, he had found true happiness in the arms of the one he loved.

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