A Learned Lesson

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Everything was crumbling. Vox's viewerships was down, he had a mob of people demanding refunds and media crews that he didn't own scrambling to get the news after (Y/n) make that fake video of him burning down her stores and warehouses.

"How the fuck, does someone that doesn't even have a phone know how to do that?" He seethed, he had been doing damage control for a month whilst things spiralled out of control.

And with Val and Velvet missing her was up shits creek without a paddle. "Of course just when hell begins to burn, those fuckers bail," he screeched as his screen began to glitch.

He knew what had happened to them, yet he refused to admit it. He knew that they had been caught in the web of the scarlet butterfly. "Fuck," his hissed. She wasn't bluffing, and he had caused this, as soon as he dared to meddle with her beauty empire, she struck back and made sure to hit him where it hurt.

There was only one thing he could, confront the scarlet butterfly. He took a car to her mansion, the black gates loomed in front of him. He stepped out of the car and glanced around. Not a red winged pest in sight. She was toying with him.

An electric current surged through him as he blasted through the gate. He marched up to the doors and ripped them off, the place was dark, "(Y/n)! Come out, come out where ever you are he cackled as she scanned the shadows for any sign of red.

Before he could react a flight of butterflies flew at him, they threw him into the roof and onto the floor. He tried to strike them with electricity but they dispersed and dodged his attacks. As they flew back around they threw him into a wall pinning him.

"Well isn't this a lovely art piece, I think I'll call it, lesson learned or wall mounted tv," she smirked as she descended down the stairs with an evil grace.

"Fuck you (Y/n)!" Vox snarled at her.

"I did warn you," she glanced at her nails, "I'm not a violent person but I will draw blood if my back is against the wall and you gave me no choice Vox."

She snapped her fingers, Val and Velvet were dropped by a group of red butterflies, they moaned as they squirmed on the ground. (Y/n) towered over them with a wicked grin, their chains appearing in her hand.

Vox looked at the other Vee's in shock, they were broken, bloodied and bruised, nearly dead. Vox stopped breathing as (Y/n) summoned two contacts, "and as promised, you fuck around with me and I shall crush what you hold dear, now your partners are my bitches," she cackled as she tugged on the chains, pulling Velvet and Val forward.

She glared at Vox, "this could have all been fucking avoided if you took a hint," she snarled at Vox. The video demon tried to free himself but he felt his powers being slowly drained as the butterflies bit down on him, draining him of any potential to fight back. Vox was defeated.

"What do I have to do?" Vox asked ashamed, it should be her soul on the line, not his.

(Y/n) dragged her clawed hands across his face, scratching him, "you don't have to do anything, you see, I'd rather leave your soul for the radio demon to tease, torture and broadcast until kingdom come but these other fools, well they will have some bills to pay," she smirked.

She threw them down at Vox's feet, "as soon as you all return home, you'll be singing my praises, you'll appear on your little picture show, broken and battered and extremely thankful that the butterfly demon spared your lives, you'll also declare that you're discontinuing your production of comedic and declare mine as superior."

"Anything else?" Vox snarled.

She grinned, "I guess if I need anything else I can go to those two," she smiled as she snapped her fingers and the Vee's were swarmed by butterflies were dropped at her gates.

"Are you two shitting me!" Vox screamed glitching out, "you idiots played right into her hands and now the Vee's owe the fucking Butterfly demon their souls!"

"And what about you dumbass!" Velvet sneered, "you talk such a big game but you got fucked over by that damned butterfly as much as we did," Velvet snarled at him.

"At least I don't owe her my soul!" He yelled.

"Oh, I think it's much worse. It's no secret in hell that the radio demon will do anything to protect the butterfly demon... she'll get her revenge on you one day, she's just leaving your soul for him," Val smirked. "Well the plus side is, is that at least she's got style and we're not losing much, she's letting us live and get discounts."

"You call that a win!" Vox screeched.

"Enjoy paying a million dollars every  time you need a new suit," Velvet scoffed as she and Val climbed into the car.

Vox stared back at the lair of the butterfly demon, one way or another, he would ruin her.


In the dimly lit confines of his domain, Alastor sat perched upon his seat, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips as he flicked on the television set before him. The screen crackled to life, casting a soft glow across the room as images of Vox, Velvet, and Val appeared, their once proud and haughty demeanor replaced with a humbled expression of defeat.

"We the Vee's would like to offer and apology to (Y/n) the scarlet butterfly, we acknowledge her as being of higher power and announce the closure of our cosmetic ms brand," Vox said with great regret in his voice.

Alastor's smile widened with satisfaction as he watched them, their bruised and battered forms a testament to the power of (Y/n), the demon they had underestimated. He felt a surge of pride swell within him, knowing that despite their best efforts to break her spirit, (Y/n) had emerged victorious, her strength and resilience shining through in the face of adversity.

"I'm sorry my (Y/n), I've left you to the wolves but I see you're the one with the sharper fangs," he grinned, he missed his beloved dearly, whilst he was away there was nothing he could do to protect her but today assured him that she would be fine on her own a little longer.

As Vox, Velvet, and Val issued their apologies to (Y/n), their voices tinged with a newfound humility, Alastor's chest swelled with pride. They admitted defeat, acknowledging (Y/n) as the stronger demon, a force to be reckoned with in the treacherous landscape of Hell.

With a satisfied nod, Alastor leaned back in his seat, his gaze fixed on the screen before him. (Y/n) may have faced many challenges and obstacles along the way, but in the end, she had emerged triumphant, her strength and courage shining brighter than ever before.

And as Alastor watched the scene unfold before him, he knew that (Y/n) was destined for greatness, her indomitable spirit a beacon of hope in the darkest corners of Hell. With a sense of pride swelling in his chest, he made a silent vow to always stand by her side, supporting her in her journey and celebrating her victories, no matter what challenges may lie ahead.

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