Take My Soul

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(Y/n) stepped outside of Infernal Couture, a determined look on her face. With a snap of her fingers, she summoned one of her scarlet red butterflies, watching as it fluttered around her. With a smile, she whispered a few words to the butterfly before releasing it into the air.

As the butterfly soared above the store, it left behind a trail of fiery red sparks, transforming the once dull sign into a vibrant display of color. The letters rearranged themselves to spell out "Scarlet," and a red butterfly emblem appeared beneath the name, serving as the store's new brand.

Satisfied with the transformation, (Y/n) headed back inside, her heart pounding with excitement. She made her way to the radio, her fingers trembling slightly as she reached for the dial. With a deep breath, she turned it on, the familiar crackle of static filling the air as she tuned it.

But instead of the usual music, (Y/n) was met with the sound of Dennis's screams, his voice filled with panic and fear. Alastor's chilling laughter echoed through the speakers, sending shivers down (Y/n)'s spine.

As Dennis's screams echoed through the radio waves, Alastor's voice cut through with chilling clarity. "Ladies and gentlemen of Hell, I have a special announcement to make," he began, his tone dripping with amusement. "I am pleased to announce the launch of my new radio show, 'The Scarlet Hour.' And for my first broadcast, I dedicate this show to my beloved scarlet butterfly."

A sinister chuckle followed as Alastor continued, "So tune in, my dear listeners, for an hour of delightful entertainment, dark humor, and of course, the sweet sound of screams. Welcome to 'The Scarlet Hour,' where every note is a symphony of chaos and every word drips with devilish charm."

As she listened to Alastor's voice , her eyes widened in realization. This was just the beginning.


As Alastor returned, with a spring in his step, humming a merry tune, he noticed something was odd about his darling, (Y/n) couldn't ignore the strange sensation coursing through her veins—a buzzing energy, a thirst that seemed to consume her.

"Alastor my darling, such a fantastic show," She greeted him with a hug, but as she pressed closer, she felt an inexplicable urge to draw from him, to feed on his vitality.

Unaware of the danger, she allowed her butterfly to land upon him, it bit down causing Alastor to yelp in pain, its touch sapping his strength with each passing second. Alarmed by the sudden drain, Alastor's instincts kicked in, his mind racing to comprehend the situation. With a screech other butterflies landed upon him.

With a surge of willpower, Alastor pushed aside the weakness threatening to consume him. He grasped (Y/n)'s shoulders firmly, his voice cutting through the haze of her confusion. "Stop, (Y/n)!" he commanded, his tone urgent yet resolute.

There was a wicked grin in her eyes, they glowed with an evil desire as a darkness crossed over her face. That was until Alastors voice cut through the thirst. Feeling the gravity of the situation, (Y/n) struggled against the overwhelming thirst clouding her judgment. With a concerted effort, she fought to regain control, pushing back against the darkness threatening to overtake her.

With each passing moment, Alastor's resolve grew stronger. He refused to let (Y/n) succumb to whatever force had seized her, determined to protect her from herself. As the tension mounted, he drew upon his own inner strength, channeling it into a shadow that forced the butterflies away from him.

With a screech the butterflies swarmed around their master, Alastor stepped backwards, blood dripping from the wounds the butterflies had inflicted.

Alastor's eyes scanned the bustling street outside, searching for a suitable target. Spotting a passing demon, a hell born, he acted swiftly, pulling the unsuspecting soul into the store. As the helpless demon struggled against his grasp, Alastor threw the demon to the ground and the butterflies consumed him.

Caught in the Butterfly's Web (Hazbin Hotel x (y/n)Where stories live. Discover now