Return to Me

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As Charlie returned to the Hazbin Hotel, she found Alastor waiting for her, his eyes alight with curiosity and anticipation. Sensing his eagerness, she approached him with a warm smile, ready to share the details of her meeting with (Y/n).

"Alastor," Charlie began, her voice filled with excitement. "The meeting went well. (Y/n) was gracious and generous, and she's considering sponsoring the hotel."

Alastor's expression brightened at the news, a hint of relief crossing his features. "That's wonderful to hear," he replied, his voice tinged with enthusiasm. "Did she have any questions or concerns?"

Charlie nodded, her smile widening at Alastor's genuine interest. "Yes, she did," she replied. "But we discussed everything openly, and I think she's genuinely considering it."

Alastor's smile widened at the prospect of (Y/n)'s potential sponsorship, his excitement palpable. "Thank you, Charlie," he said, gratitude shining in his eyes. "You've done a wonderful job."

As Charlie relayed (Y/n)'s message to Alastor, a flicker of emotion passed across his face, a mixture of surprise and longing. He listened intently, his scarlet eyes alight with a glimmer of hope as Charlie delivered her words.

"(Y/n) said that she's waiting for you," Charlie repeated, her voice gentle yet resolute. "She wants you to know that she still loves you, and that she'll be here whenever you're ready to come back to her."

For a moment, Alastor was silent, his thoughts racing as he processed (Y/n)'s message. He felt a swell of emotions rising within him, a mixture of regret, longing, and a newfound sense of determination.

"Thank you, Charlie," Alastor said, his voice filled with gratitude. "I appreciate you delivering the message."

With a nod of understanding, Charlie offered Alastor a reassuring smile, knowing that their conversation had stirred something within him. She could sense that he was grappling with his emotions, but she trusted that he would find his way in his own time.

Alastor walked to his room.

Alastor sat alone in the dimly lit confines of his room, his thoughts consumed by memories of (Y/n). As he reminisced about her, a smile tugged at the corners of his lips, but it was tinged with a melancholy that he couldn't shake.

He thought back to the days when they were alive, to the radiant smile that had adorned (Y/n)'s face. Her laughter had been infectious, her joy a beacon of light in the darkness of Hell. But as the memories shifted, so too did her smile. No longer was it filled with the same warmth and vitality. Instead, it had become tinged with sorrow, haunted by the tragedies of their past.

Alastor's heart ached at the thought of (Y/n)'s smile, the way it had changed and dimmed over the years. He couldn't bear to see her suffer any longer, couldn't stand the thought of her enduring more pain and anguish.

With a fierce determination burning within him, Alastor made a silent vow to himself. He promised to protect (Y/n)'s smile, to safeguard it from the cruelty of the world and the ravages of time. No matter the cost, he would do whatever it took to see her smile once more, to bring back the joy and light that had once illuminated their lives.

As he gazed out into the darkness, a sense of purpose filled Alastor's heart. For (Y/n), he would move mountains. For (Y/n), he would defy the very fabric of Hell itself. And with that unwavering resolve guiding him, Alastor set forth on his mission, determined to bring back the light that had been lost, and to protect the smile that had captured his heart.


Sir Pentious's failed attack was the push he needed to meet with (Y/n), that and he needed his coat repaired.

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