Chapter 13 - The Invitation

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A few minutes later Madison stood astride of the shower nozzle while she played with the stream to get just the right pressure in just the right place. It didn't take very long as her vagina virtually hummed with anticipation anyway. With the perfect arrangement found, she locked the nozzle into place with her thighs and put her fist in her mouth to stifle her moans as she spun up to orgasm in what for her was record time.

Scarcely two minutes of warm massage from the shower nozzle coupled with an intense, eye's-clenched fantasy of Daniel's face over hers in the missionary position later, Madison felt sexual tension explode in her lower abdomen. The force of her orgasm buckled her knees and she saw colored lights dance in the blackness of her closed lids. Madison braced herself against the shower wall as her breath panted back to normal and the wobbly post-orgasmic sensation left her legs. When she opened her eyes a few seconds later, she could have cursed out loud because Daniel wasn't there. She was still as horny as ever and as good as her body felt, her mind felt that bad. He wasn't with her and that made her orgasm lonesome, empty, and unsatisfying. She swaddled herself in a big, soft towel and trudged to her room in defeat. Even her fantasies weren't enough to give her any relief.

Mercifully her roommates plus Moria had gone out for coffee and she was able to make it from the bathroom to her bedroom without a reminder that if she really was a boss bitch then she should have Daniel helplessly in her clutches by now. Maybe they were right.  After all it did seem that she had forgotten the goal. Anger rose in her chest.  She was supposed to be in control, not him. She dictated what happened and when it happened. She had let silly romantic ideas run wild in her head and look where it had gotten her. Exactly smack dab in the middle of situationship hell. That wasn't how a boss bitch behaved. A boss bitch didn't sit around and pine like some inexperienced high school chick with dreams of .... Madison cut herself off. A boss bitch knew how to assign blame and Madison was a boss bitch. She shouldn't be angry at herself.

Daniel. That's who she should be angry at. She should be angry at Daniel for ... what exactly? How about the way he weaponized sex in their relationship? Yeah, that was one thing for sure. How dare he string her out like this? If a boss bitch wanted sex, then a boss bitch got sex. Ivy had said it; dick waits for pussy, not the other way around.  And how about how that there was no progress in their relationship, just a mire of situationship? That was all Daniel's fault too. Because of him they were stuck in neutral without any forward momentum towards Madison's goal. Daniel needed to get with the program.

In fact, now that she had thought on it, this was all Daniel's fault. He had kept her from her goal. How dare he play on some crazy romantic ideas about love and marriage? Come to think of it, just how did he figure out boss bitch Madison had a silly romantic Madison inside her? Well, it didn't matter. Daniel was about to meet boss bitch Madison up close and personal. The next time she saw him, Daniel would learn just who was in charge.  Madison nodded firmly. Safe in her room, Madison had a good head of steam up and she would take control of the situation, just like a boss bitch should. Daniel could get on board or get out of the way.

Satisfied with her decision, Madison scooped up her phone to give her social media a once over. Maybe there would be a few prospective men in there she could use as jealously leverage to force Daniel into line. There was nothing like a little jealousy to bring a man to heel. Madison had done it before with other guys and that's what Daniel was, after all; a guy. She could get a dozen like him, and he needed a reminder of that. She flopped on her stomach on her bed and unlocked her phone with her fingerprint.

Immediately, she found a text chain from Daniel. Her body surged with longing all over again and she felt her anger and certainty fade. Boss bitch Madison struggled against the tide of romantic warmth that flushed her skin. She couldn't let silly romantic ideas run wild anymore. Here she was all hot and bothered and Daniel had left her alone and even if her entire being cried out to get in his pants, she was angry at him as he had inflicted this misery on her. Still, even though she was angry with him, she wasn't angry enough to not ready his text immediately.

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