Chapter 21 - The Mile High Book Club

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Madison smiled in satisfaction as the plane's take off gently pressed her back into her first-class seat. This was the first time she had ever been on vacation out of the country, and she was thrilled.

Almost as thrilled as she had been when Daniel announced that he had planned a vacation for them. Madison had never been on vacation with a man before and her girlfriends considered this a major step forward in their relationship. And, as far as they were concerned, after a year of dating which included a solid seven months plus of living together, it was high time Daniel proposed to Madison, and they imagined this vacation would be the perfect time.  Madison could not help but agree with their assessment and looked forward to the vacation eagerly.

Not everything had been perfect at the start though. Madison had to make some changes to the original plan. Initially, Daniel had planned to take her to Disney World in Orlando, Florida to spend two weeks at their various parks. To Madison that sounded terrible because in her mind Disney was for children and it didn't fit the romantic vision of a beach at sunset proposal her and her girlfriends had planned. Encouraged by her friends, Boss bitch Madison let it be known, with the appropriate number of quarrels and sexual reticence, that she did not intend to go to Disney and if he wanted to take her on vacation, he would take her somewhere tropical where they could relax on the beach or by a pool.

When Daniel pointed out that there were pools at Disney, she furiously responded she would not, under any circumstances, spend their first vacation together surrounded by thousands of screaming children. Impassive as always, Daniel shrugged and quietly spent the night in the cabin since Madison locked him out of the bedroom.  The next day presented her with a sheet of yellow legal paper with the names of several resorts in the Caribbean and Cabo San Lucas scribbled on it. Daniel apologized for his error and told her she could pick where she wanted to go. Madison instantly forgave Daniel and gleefully contacted her girlfriends for advice about the perfect venue for Daniel to propose to her.

After half a day of study on the internet and several consultations with Adalina, Madison selected a very exclusive resort in Anguilla. Daniel simply nodded to her request and booked a two-week stay in a large suite with a marvelous ocean view and first-class air travel. Daniel also anticipated her request for a new travel wardrobe and handed her one of his credit cards.

Daniel's credit card did not appear to have a limit on it, and since he had not set any limits, Madison didn't feel constrained in any way when it came to her wardrobe for the trip. Giddy with anticipation, Madison, with an assist from her girlfriends, shopped for several appropriate bikinis and several inappropriate negligees. She topped off her travel attire with several white dresses of various lengths to wear to dinner each night, which everyone agreed would look spectacular in the soon-to-be pictures of her inevitable engagement to Daniel.

Now the vacation had finally come, the plane was airborne, and the steward brought a glass of champagne for each of them. Daniel politely refused, but Madison imbibed. A second glass brought her a bubbly buzz along with a pleasingly dirty plot to join the mile high club with Daniel. In furtherance of her plan, Madison requested a blanket and another glass of champagne. The blanket and champagne arrived quickly, and Madison spread the blanket over her body and sipped on the champagne. She took care to cover Daniel's right arm as well, as that was the arm that was closest to her. Then she discreetly squirmed out of her shorts while she sipped her third glass of champagne.

But before she could put her plan into action, her tipsy buzz turned into a sleepy doze. With her head pillowed on Daniel's shoulder, Madison heard herself mutter a sigh and nuzzled Daniel's right arm. Initially she tried to resist her sleepiness, but there would be time enough to make love to Daniel this trip; especially after he slipped a diamond ring on her finger and proposed to her. Moments later she drowsed into a boozy nap full of delicious dreams of a big, clear and sparkly rock to go with her birthday suit.

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