Chapter 16 - The Princess and the Palace

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Madison awoke slowly and blinked. Sunshine streamed into the room through the East facing French doors and alit on the king-sized bed. She was naked, but the flannel sheets and big thick comforter in addition to the sunlight made her feel snug and warm. Madison hadn't intended to fall asleep, but a night of enthusiastic sex coupled with the high emotions she felt while she cavorted with Daniel had left her drained. At some point, wrapped in Daniel's warm embrace, she drifted off to a deep, comfortable sleep. That had never happened to her before. Usually when she spent the night with a man for the first time, she didn't sleep at all. She took it as a good sign that she felt comfortable enough around Daniel to sleep. Where was he?

Madison bundled herself in the maroon comforter, sat up and looked around. The room was large with beige carpeting, cherry stained walls, and a high ceiling. A large stone hearth faced by two leather armchairs dominated the west wall and a bureau, a chest of drawers and a bookcase full of leather-bound books completed the furnishings. The windows and the French doors were adorned with tasteful maroon curtains, which matched the wallpaper runner near the ceiling. All in all, it was a pretty space done in a simple and elegant taste. It lacked a woman's touch, but a girl could definitely get used to this. She stretched luxuriously and glanced at the clock on the wall. 9:45 AM. The only thing absent was Daniel and Madison wondered where he was again.

As if in answer to her question, Madison heard a muffled "thunk" from outside. About thirty seconds later another "thunk" sounded. Curious, Madison clutched the maroon comforter around her, walked over to the French doors and peeked out through the curtain. A small balcony overlooked Daniel's back yard and there, by a small cabin, was Daniel.

His back was to her as he stooped and selected a log from a pile of wood. He wore a white T-shirt, blue jeans, and a pair of heavy boots. He had on leather gloves, and after he set the log on a big stump, he hefted an axe at his waist. Madison watched as he swung the axe in an arc, brought it down on a block of wood and split it in half with the force of his blow. Daniel kicked the two halves over to messy pile, grabbed another block of wood and split it with another smooth stroke. He made it look so effortless.

Madison couldn't help but smile at this deliciously masculine display of muscle and prowess. She had never seen anyone split wood before, but Daniel did it well and looked great while he did it, even more so when he stopped to wipe the perspiration from his brow with his forearm. Madison felt her toes tingle and she wanted to stand there and watch Daniel all day.

After he split a few more logs, Daniel buried the axe head in the large stump and scooped up the split logs into his arms, turned and strode back toward the house, where he was lost from view underneath the balcony. Madison heard the back door open and then Daniel's boots clomped across the kitchen floor and mounted the stairs.

Madison decided she didn't want Daniel to know she spied on him, so she dashed across the room and threw herself on the bed. There she arranged the comforter over herself, and plopped her head on the pillow like she was still asleep. As the sheets settled over her, they wafted the mingled aroma of their first night together, a heady mixture of Daniel and Madison's sweat and pheromones and sexual juices. Madison got a savory tingle up her spine at the memory of their final bout of love as she straddled Daniel, and she suppressed a giggle. She had to be quiet if she wanted Daniel to think she was still asleep.

The bedroom door opened, and Daniel clomped as quietly as he could over the fireplace with his armload of wood. Madison clandestinely watched him arrange the logs in the fireplace, stuffed newspapers around them and then light the firewood with a long match. Soon the fire crackled merrily and the scent and warmth of burning wood filled the room. Daniel rose and turned to face her, so Madison quickly shut her eyes and pretended to be asleep.

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