Chapter 54 - The Homecoming

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As Madison entered the house, she heard the rubble in the cabin shift. Behind her Daniel stood and shambled after her, a huge, bloody, sweaty mountain of emotion. Her man was on his way home, and Madison would be ready when he got there.

She wanted this. She had pushed herself and Daniel to this point. Madison loved Daniel and she could save him. Her love could reach him through all his self-loathing and rage and make him whole again and she wanted that more than anything. She wanted Daniel, all of him, to feel her love down deep in his heart and now was her time. Not like every other time in their relationship, when Madison focused on herself and what she wanted instead of what Daniel needed. She wouldn't let that happen. Not this time.

"Madison," Daniel growled in a low voice from just outside the door, uncertain and swathed in the darkness. Madison felt another low rumble issue from his chest, and she turned and faced him.

"Come in, Daniel," she whispered into the blackness. "I'm here for you. Don't be afraid."

Madison reached over and snapped on the kitchen light. Whatever happened next between them, Madison wanted it to happen in the light where they could see each other. Face to face. Daniel loomed into the kitchen, first one tentative step and then another, so Madison stepped back towards her goal and summoned him.

"Come home, Daniel. Come home to me."

Madison's body fluttered with nervous energy. Her heartbeat quickened, and her skin tightened as Daniel stepped into full view. Muscles strained, his bare chest heaved with each breath, and blood oozed thickly from the wound on his shoulder. He looked wild, immense, and dangerous.

Madison's body tingled as Daniel cautiously advanced toward her. The sight of his body, primal, predatory, streaked with sweat and blood, gave her an electric charge of fear and desire like nothing she had ever experienced. The Faceless man of fantasy was right there in front of her, and the moment she had dreamed of since she first got her period was here at last. Her Little Red Riding Hood fantasy had come true, and she was about to be taken by the Faceless man, only this time, she would not be helplessly ravished from behind. She would look the Faceless man, her Daniel, in his dusky green eyes and love him.

"I'm right here, Daniel, and I love you." Madison intoned in a low sexy purr. "Come to me."

Just a few feet behind her the spot where Steve the Oaf had kissed her waited. Madison backed towards it and willed Daniel to her. It had to happen there so that, together, she and Daniel could reclaim their home from the evil spirit of the party. Madison continued her slow, naked retreat until she felt the cool of the edge of counter-top beneath her fingertips. Daniel followed warily, and his head swung right and left as if he expected some kind of ambush. Despite her fear and sexual excitement, Madison teared up.

"I love you, Daniel," Madison whispered through tears. "I swear I won't hurt you."

To urge him on, Madison beckoned him to her embrace.

"Come to me, Daniel! Come to me! Please!"

Daniel slammed the door shut behind him. He emitted a low uncertain growl and his angry eyes searched Madison's body.

"It's OK, Daniel. I'm here for you. I love you."

Daniel advanced another step towards Madison and her breath caught with fright and longing. She no longer saw a Faceless man full of a lustful fury that terrified her and then fucked her. She saw only Daniel's face, etched with pain and her heart throbbed like it might burst against her ribs.

"Oh, my God! I'm sorry!"

As Daniel stalked towards her, Madison backed closer to the counter. Trapped between the counter and Daniel, Madison's resolve wavered and fear threatened to engulf her desire. Daniel looked so huge and savage that she feared he might hurt her. His bulk loomed above her like a dark aura of threat. Madison whimpered and shrank away as he menaced closer. He was close now; so close he could reach out and touch her and she winced as if she expected him to strike.

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