Fast Forward, Welcome to Popstar!

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I've always wanted to write something like this ever since I've scrolled through the kirby x touhou fanfiction collection, sad that there aren't many that do this lol

And so I thought to myself: fine I'll do it myself.

Enjoy y'all!

Reimu was expecting to cross the Sanzu River, not to wake up drowsily from a nap that she didn't take considering the fact that she literally passed from old age. She crowned a kid from the village to be her successor shortly before she did pass so it wouldn't be a bit of a problem once Gensokyo needed a shrine maiden like her to deal with an incident, she now has someone to take that position now.

She may have forgotten the name of that particular kid

Her eyes looked around, yawning.. She can see two giant figures around her, smiling at the small Reimu..


Wait a minute

'Don't tell me..' She murmured in her mind, both her eyes widening.

"Awh, she looks so cute!" A Poppy Bro dressed in silly clothing along with what looks like a party hat commented with a large gaping smile, while the other would nod with a tired yet content smile

"Indeed.. Her eyes are now open.." The other replied, which was then recieved with a "d'awww" from her husband

'Did I just get reborn!? Without the Yama's judgement!?' Absolutely absurd. How did that even happen?

Her dotted eyes would twinkle before she started sniffing, her uncontrollable emotions slowly overtaking her as both Poppies would widen their eyes, looking at each other as the muttered the words "oh no" under their breaths

After all, she is now a baby for the time being, and babies are prone to emotional scenes like these.

And with that, she bawled her eyes out to her hearts content, with the other Poppies desperately trying to find ways to comfort their child who has just gained consciousness after a month.

In a corner of Cookie County, a young Poppy Bro had become one month old there.
Welcome to Popstar, Reimu Iyori



Reawakening after just dying for some reason(she'd rather not say how she died even as a Youkai Magician, that's just too embarrassing for her). One from Gensokyo would normally expect to just go to the Sanzu River and wait for the Shinigami there to carry you across the river in order to be judged by the Yama.

This time however, she didn't meet the Yama, nor did she ever cross a lake by Komachi's boat. Instead however, she had just awakened in a place that's just incredibly different..

And worst of all, she was small again! She's in some sort of a crib it would seem. Looking around the young Marisa would spot many things from her current resting place. A table with quills and pencils on them that's barely lit up by an abnormally thick candle that had just melted halfway through it's wax, shelves containing what looks like wooden dolls of all kinds(all of them not resembling anything human) and rows of books that never had japanese symbols on them, only english which was a language that Marisa had barely grasped even in her years of studying in grimoires.

Most of these grimoires were translated anyway, borrowed from certain magicians that she knew of.

And then her eyes laid onto a figure sleeping on a couch, a vaugely humanoid being with black cat ears, and get this: no mouths, hands shaped like balls, and shoes with no visible legs, what the hell!? Is that supposed to be her mom or something!?

Reimu and Marisa: Living in Dreamland (Kirby X Touhou)Where stories live. Discover now