2B - Candy Mountain Climb

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Reimu had been following behind Kirby as they went and explored the path that led up towards the peaks of Candy Mountain.
Dodging countless bombardments from Shotzos, beating up any residents that were angry enough to confront them upclose and weaving around paths that were blocked by Gordos, she hasn't figured out how to make them move with her ofudas though.

She noted things about Kirby while she was tagging along with him.

Firstly, his mannerisms
Kirby seems so childlike that one would even wonder how he fights like a hardened warrior, and yet he's constantly awed by things such as how Reimu fights her opponents up close

Speaking of which..

"Oooaaaah!" Kirby and his Bronto Burt all watched as Reimu jabbed his gohei several times into the Burning Leo before swinging her weaon of choice upward, smacking the Leo on his chin and sending him into the air before tumbling away from the Poppy Sis

"G-gah!" The Burning Leo immediately recovered himself from the ground, his left hand holding onto his other hand
"You know this mountain is off for trespassers! Away! Great Dynablade resides here!"

"Dynablade?" Reimu lowered her gohei, raising an eyebrow in response "So that's that bird's name huh?"

"E-eh.. N-none of that matters! What matters is if you go away before she gets really mad!"
The Leo puffed his cheeks up and breathed out a wave of flames at the shrine maiden, prompting her to leap away and conjure up three ofuda cards in her hands, throwing them.
The ofudas would curve around the flames before slapping onto her target
"Ow! What the-"

The Burning Leo promptly blew up and collapsed on the ground with eyes swirling.. Resulting in Kirby cheering and the Bronto Burt clapping at her work

Now that's out of the way, they went on with their trek up the mountain. And the Poppy Sis went back into her thoughts

Secondly? Kirby can't speak her language, or rather the language that Dreamlanders speak in.

It was clear that Kirby knew what she was saying, he even understood many of her words, but he himself has yet to speak any kind of coherent lines. The only words that she could get out from him was just 'poyo' in lines.
It's like as if he never had the chance to learn their language nor has he ever heard of any.

Not that Reimu herself is good at teaching others on how to speak normally, that's Keine's job.
But maybe she could make the Puffball learn a thing or two.

The puffball interrupted her.

"Poyo! Poy poyo!" He said, holding up a Maxim Tomato at her with a great smile. He seems to have notoced her bruises while she was deep in her thoughts

"..." She slightly raised her disembodied hand, looking down at the tomato with a capital 'M' marked on it in confusion
"are you giving me this?"

"Poyo poy poy!" He nodded quickly, glancing down at the bruises and cuts that she received while she accompanied Kirby on their way to Dynablade's nest.

Whatever Kirby was saying, he definitely meant that he should eat, but don't Maxim Tomatoes recover the person to its 'maximum?'
She isn't the type to waste her food for obvious reasons regarding her past life.
"Right thanks" She would grab the bright red tomato before splitting it apart and biting the other half, before tossing the other back at Kirby whom promptly caught it. The puffball turned to look at him


"Don't need that much to recover to be honest, that seemed like overkill."

She can already feel her aches relieving itself.

Reimu and Marisa: Living in Dreamland (Kirby X Touhou)Where stories live. Discover now