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Before this tale begins, let it be made very clear that Angel1059 wanted nothing to do with the war to save Minecraft.

She had been minding her own business, gathering iron from a shallow cave, when an entire army of villagers had approached her, began rambling about a 'thread' and a 'Prophecy', and basically demanded her to join their cause.

Now, Angel was all for battling monsters, especially if the fate of the entire world rested on it - which, according to the heavyset villager that was leading them, it seemed to be. She still didn't understand how it all worked, but she honestly couldn't be bothered to do anything else, so she agreed to join them.

This decision proved to be a life-altering one, and not in a good way.

"So, let me get this straight."

Angel's voice was hard to hear over the cacophony of villagers preparing for the upcoming battle, which seemed to take place in the Nether, according to the one who had made her join. If she recalled correctly, his name was Mason. "The existence of this Gameknight fellow caused this 'Prophecy' thing to start being fulfilled, since he's technically in the game."

"That is correct," Mason said, nodding his head.

"So I'm in the game as well?"

Mason shook his head. "You are in the game, but you are not of the game. Your thread is still missing - however, something about you, be it your physical or mental state, is still in the physical world, your world."

"Makes sense," Angel mumbled, glancing down and shrugging. "It's only VR, after all."

The aforementioned Gameknight999, or as Mason had called him, the User-that-is-not-a-user, looked intrigued. "VR?" he asked.

Angel nodded. "My uncle liked to invent," she explained. "He designed this hyper-realistic virtual reality headset that makes me feel like I'm really in the game- like, I can feel everything. It's gotta do with the way neurons work in the brain, and the way the system manipulates them into feeling a certain way when I do certain things in the game - I didn't bother with the details. I feel like I'm really here... it's hella realistic, too. Y'all look like proper people and stuff, as in, not square."

Mason tilted his head, quite interested by Angel's story. "Does this work with pain as well?" he asked.

"I mean, probably... it's not like I'm gonna test it out, or anything."

"With the knowledge of how this all feels, are you prepared for this battle?" Mason asked. "You know the risks of this. Your life is at stake - the lives of Minecraft and the physical world are at stake. Are you ready to fight for all of these lives?"

Angel quietly scoffed. "Nice pep talk, very reassuring," she chuckled. "But yeah, I'll be fine. It's not like I'm doing anything else, am I?"

Gameknight shuffled forward slightly hesitantly. "You seem very confident," he commented.

"You don't." Angel snickered a little. "Nah, I don't mean that. But it's not like I can't just take off the headset if it all gets overwhelming. I've played Minecraft before, I know how to fight, s'all good, man."

"Then nothing is keeping us any longer," Mason declared. A hint of trepidation flashed across Gameknight's face, but Angel didn't say anything about it. "The battle for the Nether is about to begin. Are you ready?"

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