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Despite being in an encampment full of NPCs, Angel felt more alone than ever.

Hunter and Gameknight had gone off to explore the Stronghold Mason had mentioned before. Having played Minecraft a few times before, Angel could assume that the next 'key' to the Source would be something in the End, most likely the egg of the Ender Dragon. The two had been down there for quite some time, and Angel couldn't help but wonder what they were doing down there that was taking so long.

Gameknight was probably just being a wimp again. Angel chuckled softly at the thought.

She was walking along the edge of the encampment, looking for something to do that would distract her from the nagging thoughts echoing in her head. All of the other NPCs were off preparing for battle, likely with the Ender Dragon, so she had no one to talk to. She reflected to herself that Erebus had come over to talk with her even when everyone else was off doing their own thing.

God, she needed to stop thinking about Erebus like that.

The thought of Erebus being alone to deal with the consequence of letting her go worried her, and it worried her greatly. If Malacoda ended up finding out somehow, he would be very unlikely to show mercy at all to Erebus. The thought of Angel being responsible for him being hurt, or killed, would be too much for her to bear, no matter whether he was a villain or not.

It wasn't like she cared about him, right?

Movement near a line of trees caught her eye, and she sighed quietly. "Oh, God..."

It was a regular Enderman, lurking near the shadows, observing the army from a distance. Almost immediately, Angel was tempted to go over to them, at least to see if Erebus would speak with her once more despite his warning for her not to return. Glancing behind her, she noticed that nobody was paying any attention to her, each too involved with themself to even give her a second thought. With a huff of slight exasperation, Angel started to walk over to the line of trees, not bothering to take a weapon with her.

"Hello?" she called quietly, not wanting to attract the attention of the NPCs. "Um... are you still there? I saw you watching the army, you really weren't that subtle..."

There was no answer. Angel recalled being met with silence when she had spoken with Abidan, the Ghast that had held her captive before, and remembered how she had gotten him to speak. "I want to talk to Erebus and Malacoda. I have some information that I think will be useful for them."

A moment of silence followed her words. "Malacoda and Erebus are busy," came a voice not dissimilar to Erebus's from directly behind her. Angel didn't turn to face the speaker, in case they would try to attack her if she looked at them.

"Busy doing what, hm?" Angel asked. "Of course the great King of the Nether or whatever he wants to call himself wouldn't be too busy for some useful information, now, would he? I know what the next key to the Source is, and I think he'd want to know too."

There was another pause, setting Angel on edge slightly from anticipation. "I'm not going to interrupt them," the Enderman told her firmly. "I can't bear to witness it, in any case... you'll find them if you keep going straight, there's a clearing up ahead."

Angel's brow furrowed with concern. "You can't witness what?"

This time, no response came at all, and Angel could see small, purple pinpricks of light reflecting off of her surroundings; the Enderman had teleported away. Nervousness started to grow in the pit of her stomach as she started to walk forward, breaking into a jog after a few moments. This didn't last for long, as she quickly got tired.

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