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The sound of bones rattling against bones was grating terribly on Angel's ears at this point. It was constant, the sound, every movement that the wither skeletons made causing it to echo in the tunnel. She was still curled up in the corner of the enclosure, looking up at her captors and watching them move around and talk, since she had nothing better to do. The boredom was starting to get to her, and she even would have been mildly happy to hear the sound of Nigel's voice, since a conversation with him would provide something interesting for her.

Speaking of which...

"Where is Nigel?" she asked. "He'd normally be bothering me by now."

One of the wither skeletons turned to her. "He went outside to speak with Erebus," they told her. "He hasn't returned since. We think they both returned to Malacoda."

"Fun..." she mumbled, looking down.

A distant sound pierced through the clattering of bones; the bark of a wolf. Angel perked up, starting to stand with a quiet mutter about her knees hurting as she peered outside, trying to see if she could find it anywhere. The bark sounded again, quickly accompanied by another, and another, and another; this wasn't just one wolf, but a pack. Bony fingers gripped onto swords as the wither skeletons started to notice the sounds as well, distant barks and howls growing steadily louder.

"What the hell...?" Angel murmured, her eyes widening as she looked outside.

A pack of wolves, about thirty strong, were charging toward the tunnel at the skeletons. Angel laughed ecstatically at the sight; finally, something interesting was happening. Like furry bullets streaking into the tunnel, they shot at the skeletons, jaws snapping and tearing at bones as they fought. Movement from behind the wave of wolves caught Angel's eye, and she couldn't believe who she saw.

"Fucking- Gameknight?!"

The other User-that-is-not-a-user, accompanied by four other villagers, were joining the battle. She recognized two of them as Hunter and the villager Gameknight had saved in the Nether, but the others she didn't recognize. One of them seemed to be a younger variant of Hunter, a sister perhaps, and the other was entirely unfamiliar to her. Hunter, clutching an iron pickaxe, charged through the bedlam straight to Angel's cage.

"About fucking time!" Angel shouted over the chaos, pressing her hands over her ears to block out the sounds of the battle. "You missed me, didn't you?"

Hunter flashed her a cocky smirk as she broke the bars of the cage, tossing her an iron sword. "Help us out, and then we'll talk," she called to her. Angel took the weapon, adrenaline from the chaos flowing into her and overwhelming any trepidation she may have had as she dashed into battle.

Without Nigel, the wither skeletons fell quickly to the combined power of the wolves, villagers, and Users. Angel had actually managed to kill a few of them and not get hit in retaliation, which she was quite proud of. It had been a while since she had killed someone, and it felt good to do so.

"Are you okay?" Gameknight called, moving over to Angel. "Did they hurt you?"

"Oh, I'm fine, no thanks to you," Angel snapped, panting softly as she pointed her sword at him. "What was that, back in the Nether, hm? You could've shot down that asswipe of a Ghast easily! You too, Hunter!"

Gameknight winced slightly at the accusation. "Well, I-I didn't want to shoot you, and-"

"Man, the chances of you hitting me were so goddamn low with how massive Malacoda is - in any case, I'm over it now, honestly. They didn't torture me into insanity, let's just say that..." Angel shrugged. "Who are these other people, by the way?"

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