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Purple faded into red as Angel was relieved of the overwhelming heat of the Nether, and she was unceremoniously thrown to the ground.

"My knees-"

Angel raised her head slightly, tall grass tickling her cheek as she glanced around at her surroundings. She was in another server, it appeared, in the Overworld; tall trees rose up from a forest nearby, sunlight piercing through their leaves, and flowers added dots of color to the grassy plains that she was now in. The scenery was beautiful - or it would have been, if everything wasn't faintly tinged with red from the sun up ahead.

"Am I seeing this shit right?"

A harsh cackle returned her attention to reality, and she looked up.

"Oh, god, I almost forgot about y'all..."

Malacoda was grinning down at her, his large form casting a menacing shadow over her body. Beside him was the Enderman that had taunted her in the Nether, watching her closely, seeming just as interested in her as she had been in him.

"Welcome to the Source," Malacoda boomed. "Enjoy your stay, User-that-is-not-a-user, you're going to be here for a while."

"Okay, first off," Angel said, raising a hand as she stood up, dusting off her clothes. "Could you not call me that? The whole User-that's-not... whatever it is, it's a mouthful, could you just call me Angel instead? That's my username, Angel1059- y'all can probably see it, but still. Speaking of names, can you tell me yours?"

She pointed at the Enderman, who stepped forward.

"The name is Erebus," he said. "King of the Endermen, and leader of this army."

"Just the Overworld monsters," Malacoda corrected. "I still control my Nether creatures, you know that."

Erebus huffed, deciding to ignore Malacoda as he approached Angel. "Isn't it ironic, you being called Angel?" he asked. "Think about it... an otherworldly being, prophesied to save the NPCs and bring light to the evil surrounding them, only to find herself consumed by the very darkness she hoped to destroy..." He chuckled softly. "It's almost poetic."

Angel blinked. "Woah..." she mumbled. "That's funky, when you put it like that- do you do poetry often?" She didn't give Erebus time to respond before she continued. "In any case, I haven't exactly been consumed... I've still got light inside whatever soul I have, despite everything. Good luck putting that out."

"Enough of this banter," Malacoda snapped. "We don't have time for this. Angel, remove everything from your inventory, and hand it to my general."

He gestured with a tentacle to a tall wither skeleton, who was sitting atop a fuzzy spider, bony fingers clutching the hilt of a shimmering diamond sword.

"Hol' up- that's mine!" Angel exclaimed, immediately recognizing it as the weapon she had dropped into the portal upon being captured by Malacoda. "Give that back! It took forever to get those diamonds, I nearly died!"

The wither skeleton chuckled, shaking his head. "It fits better in my hand than it ever will in yours," he taunted. He gestured for Angel to empty her inventory, and she sighed quietly.

"I worked hard to get this stuff," she muttered, handing a bunch of wood, some old stone and iron tools, and an assortment of random blocks to the wither skeleton. "This blows..."

Her gaze drifted off to Erebus, who was watching her closely. He didn't look away upon realizing that she noticed. "You're taking this well," he commented instead, tilting his head to the side as he stepped forward.

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