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The army stopped at the foot of the craggy mountains that Angel had been admiring earlier. Abidan, the Ghast formerly in charge of ensuring she didn't escape, had returned, much to her dismay, and his clammy tentacles wrapped around her body were unsettling her once more. Nearby, Angel could see the opening to a large cave a small ways away, and assumed that this was the place where the aforementioned shadow-crafters were supposed to be.

"Station your Overworld monsters here." Malacoda's booming voice grated on Angel's ears as he barked out a command for Erebus. "We will go into the cave accompanied by my withers and a squad of blazes."

Erebus's gaze drifted off to Angel, briefly flicking up to the Ghast holding her. "What of the captive?" he asked.

"We'll keep her here. My Ghasts will keep her company," Malacoda explained, before addressing Abidan. "Keep her safe until my return."

"Aww, thanks for taking care of me," Angel said mockingly as she was carried higher into the air. "God, I wish I could see what's going on..."

Malacoda quietly huffed, before turning back to Erebus. "Now, we will enter the cave of our friends," he declared, before chuckling softly. "Enderman, I think you will go first."

Angel's head tilted to the side. From what she had learned of Malacoda so far, he seemed prone to doing something like this with anyone else, but Erebus... Once again, the power dynamic between the two intrigued Angel greatly. Malacoda didn't seem to treat Erebus like an equal, despite them both holding a position of authority over the army. Angel was determined to figure out what their deal was.

Erebus walked past Malacoda with a small grunt of acknowledgement, moving toward the entrance of the cave. He glanced behind him, locking eyes with Angel once more as he flashed her his signature grin, almost as if he was saying goodbye. Angel nodded at him, raising her eyebrows as he watched him walk off, deeper into the cave and out of sight. Malacoda followed, along with the rest of the troops he had brought with him, and soon they were gone.

A few moments later, Angel was bored.

"So..." she mumbled, closing her eyes as she let her head hang. "How's life?"

There was no response. Angel hadn't been expecting one, so she tried a more specific approach.

"Abidan," she said, looking up at her captor as best as she could. "That's your name, innit? Abidan? Cool name, if I say so myself..."

Silence followed her comment, and she sighed quietly.

"Come on, work with me here, I'm bored..." she huffed, before getting an idea. "Talk to me about Malacoda."

"What do you want to know about the King of the Nether?"

Angel grinned as she finally got a response. She could tell that this Ghast wasn't going to be nearly as interesting to talk to as Erebus - not that Erebus was interesting, or whatever - but he would do for now.

"There we go... anyways, what's his deal with Erebus?" she asked. "Like- what's the power dynamic there? Who's in charge?"

"Malacoda, of course," Abidan replied, as if the answer was blatantly obvious. "The Enderman is merely a general in his army."

"What?" Angel craned her neck to look up at Abidan, though the position she was in made this nearly impossible. "But- But he's a king too, isn't he? King of the Endermen, right?"

"Perhaps he was in the past," Abidan said. "The true king of all monsters of Minecraft is Malacoda. Erebus means nothing to me compared to His Majesty, the King of the Nether."

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