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The peaceful moment that Angel and Erebus shared in their cell did not last for long. Only a few moments after Angel had shared her story, Abidan returned, causing her to leap up from where she was sitting next to Erebus and let go of his hand. Guilt flashed across her expression as she noticed him flinch slightly at the sudden movement, but she couldn't apologize just yet.

"The King of the Nether has chosen to release you," Abidan announced. "The User-that-is-not-a-user has led his army into the Stronghold, and we are following them after they have unlocked the Source."

"Hol' up- we're going to the Source?" Angel asked, her eyes wide. "Me too?"

"That is what he has commanded, yes," Abidan told her.

Angel looked down. "That's sick..." she murmured. "I wanna see this thing, are we going now?"

Abidan did not look amused by Angel's enthusiasm. His gaze turned to Erebus, who was still holding Angel's jacket, and he quietly scoffed. "If it was my choice, I would have killed the two of you on the spot," he mused.

"Wh- oh, fuck off," Angel snapped, glancing back at Erebus briefly before turning back to Abidan. "Just because I have some ounce of a heart doesn't mean-"

"Silence," Abidan commanded. "Just because I cannot kill you does not mean I won't make you comply in other ways. Now stand back so that I may release you."

Angel huffed, moving back beside Erebus and watching as he stood up as well. He handed her jacket back to her, and she put it on, slightly surprised by how warm it was now.

"Now that you've felt a taste of what happens when you disrespect the great King of the Nether, you'll be a lot more compliant now, eh, Enderman?" Abidan asked as he released the two from the cage. Erebus grunted in acknowledgement, not meeting the eyes of the Ghast. "You will escort our prisoner to the Stronghold, and bear in mind that this is your last chance to prove yourself - if she escapes under your watch, Malacoda may not be as lenient with allowing you to keep your life."

"I promise I won't escape, for your sake," Angel told Erebus. Despite her nonchalance, she ensured that her words sounded genuine, to provide some sort of comfort for him.

Abidan floated away once he had let the two go, and Angel followed him, looking mildly relieved that she was no longer confined to the cramped space. Erebus moved beside Angel, watching her closely.

"We're going to the End, I'm pretty sure," she murmured quietly. "I don't know how you feel about that place... You'll be among more of your own kind soon, though, isn't that good?"

Erebus didn't respond to Angel's words, seeming lost in thought. Angel looked away, turning her attention to the massive army of monsters drawing closer as they followed Abidan.

Glancing around, she caught sight of a familiar figure at the edge of the treeline, standing in front of a crafting bench. It was the mysterious man that she had seen beside the decaying tree some time ago, with a gaze much more powerful than either of the monster kings'. He was watching the two closely, his hands almost a blur as he crafted something. Her gaze darted to Erebus, and she noticed that he was observing the stranger as well, teleportation particles dancing around his body as he did so.

"What the hell...?" she murmured, looking back at the stranger.

White eyes glowed with a harsh hatred for all living things as he watched the two, his expression unreadable as he stopped crafting; as he did so, the particles around Erebus faded away just as quickly. Angel tilted her head as the stranger smiled eerily at them, before he spoke in a low voice, barely audible to her.

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