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Angel watched the craggy mountains come into view with interest. Everything she was seeing right now was fascinating to her; no longer was she seeing everything in the blocky game form Minecraft had to offer; rather, everything looked realistic to her, and the scenery was breathtakingly beautiful.

The scene would have been so much better if she wasn't being accompanied by an army of atrocities set on taking over the world against her will.

She couldn't deny that this whole thing was interesting to her - however, she wanted to know more. The only person nearby that was worth speaking to was the wither skeleton general, but she doubted that she could last a full conversation with him without going utterly insane. The rulers of the army, Malacoda and Erebus, were out of the picture as well. The two were at the head of the group, conversing amongst each other, likely about her. Angel had always hated when people talked about her without her knowledge. Their insults meant nothing to her, of course, but the thought of mindless, unnecessary hate being directed to her behind her back - or in this case, right in front of her, as if she wasn't even there - pissed her off. She would've thought that she would be used to it by now, given her past in the real world, but it still bothered her.

It intrigued her, the dynamic between Erebus and Malacoda. From her interactions with them so far, Erebus seemed the scarier and more competent of the two. However, from what she was witnessing from their current interaction, Malacoda seemed to be overpowering Erebus with his words, making him nervous - she didn't understand why. From what she had learned, the two were supposed to be working together.

She glanced down again, losing herself in her thoughts. Why hadn't these monsters killed her yet? Was she really that important? Nothing in this server made much sense to her, and she was determined to find out more.

"Are you enjoying your time here?"


Angel shrieked, jolting in surprise as she twisted around to face the speaker. It was Erebus, who was laughing hysterically beside her at her reaction, a hand on his knee to steady himself.

"Wh- don't fucking do that!" Angel exclaimed angrily. "Scared the shit out of me- what the fuck?!"

It took a little bit of time for Erebus to stop laughing, and even more so for Angel's heart rate to slow down. She glared at the Enderman as he straightened up, looking up at the Ghast that was holding her while still softly giggling.

"Abidan, release her," he commanded. The Ghast, whose name Angel assumed was Abidan, looked down at him. "I will oversee her for the time being until we have found the shadow-crafters."

"Did Malacoda approve this?" Angel was unable to see the judgmental look on Abidan's face as he watched Erebus, but she could certainly hear the scorn in his voice. "If he did not-"

"Malacoda has asked me to speak to the prisoner, and I alone will fulfill his command," Erebus said, his smile fading slightly. "Your presence as we converse will interfere with Malacoda's wishes. Do you want this?"

Abidan merely huffed in response, though it was clear Erebus had persuaded him.

"Yeah, motherfucker, let me go," Angel chimed in.

Her wish was granted as the Ghast lowered himself to the ground, releasing Angel as she had wished; she fell flat on her face onto the grass below. Erebus cackled once more.

"God, I hate everything..." Angel grumbled as she stood up. The chains attached to her pants and around her neck jangled as she dusted herself off. "My knees... yeah, go on, get out of here, dickhead." She glared at Abidan's back as he floated off, quite glad to be rid of him. "Anyways, what do you want?"

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