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Some time later, the refrain of "again, and again, and again" was still echoing in Angel's mind, synchronized with questions that she could not answer which were starting to overwhelm her. Curled up in the corner of her cage, she shoved her face in her hands, as if this would do anything to block out the thoughts buzzing in her head.

And again...

She couldn't understand what had just happened moments ago. What had triggered Erebus so much that he had gotten so pissed at her over nothing? A memory, perhaps, or an experience?

And again...

What had Malacoda meant by 'helping Erebus to remember his place'? He had wanted to see him again after he had finished giving orders to his army; did he want to talk to him, or possibly hurt him? Was Malacoda capable of hurting without killing?

And again...

Angel could hardly hear herself think right now, Erebus's deafening scream was still ringing in her ears to the point where it hurt her head. It hurt her pride too - of course she got it.

And again...!

Of course she got it. She knew full well what it meant to strive to be something she's not. For years, she knew how it felt to try, and fail, and try again, praying that she could balance being who she wanted to be with who they wanted her to be.

And again!

But how did Erebus know? How did he know that she had gone through that? Did he, too, feel the same way? Was he trying and failing, time and time again, to prove himself to someone he could never be enough for?


"Are you enjoying yourself, User-that-is-not-a-user?"

Angel jumped slightly at the booming voice addressing her, looking up at the massive, baby-like face examining her position in the iron cage with a satisfied, sadistic grin.

"Oh, Jesus..." Angel muttered. "Last thing I need right now is you... I'm having a blast in this cage, what do you want?"

Malacoda sneered down at Angel, tentacles swaying softly as they hung underneath his large body. "My army is preparing to leave, to follow the User-that-is-not-a-user-"

"For God's sake, please specify..." Angel groaned, interrupting the King of the Nether. "There's two of us. No point in following me if I'm literally right here."

"Don't test me," Malacoda snapped. "I'm already angry enough as it is. My authority has been undermined one too many times-"

"By Erebus?" Angel interrupted once more. Malacoda's eyes burned a little brighter. "You can't blame him, he's a King too- y'all should be working together, not with you being the one in charge of him. He's actually good at what he does, y'know - why's it you talking to me anyway? It's usually Erebus trying to get to know about my backstory or whatever, I never get to speak with you properly. Thank God for that..."

A hint of intrigue pierced through the irritation in Malacoda's expression as she spoke about Erebus. "I have my reasons," he told her. "In any case, I have come to announce to you that my army is preparing to leave, to pursue the army of light and make our way to the source. You, my dear, are not coming with us."

"Hol' up- the fuck?!" Angel exclaimed. "Firstly, don't call me dear-"

A low growl came forth from Malacoda's throat. "You will not tell me what to do," he snapped. "I am the King of the Nether-"

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