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"Don't teleport right next to me, you know I hate when you do that."

The irritated voice of Malacoda was the first thing Erebus heard as he watched his teleportation particles fade away. It was something he should have gotten used to, ever since the two decided to partner together - Erebus hated that expression. It sounded as if their partnership was something he had agreed to willingly.

"I'm sorry, your most-worthiness," he said, forcing the appropriate amount of meekness into his voice to satiate Malacoda. "I didn't realize that." Malacoda replied with a huff, looking back up ahead, and Erebus relaxed slightly. "So, can you feel him now?"

Malacoda closed his eyes for a moment, searching through the server for the presence of Gameknight999.

"No, I can't feel anything," he replied after a moment. Erebus refrained from scoffing in amusement; he had expected this response. He knew how incompetent Malacoda was, despite how he acted. "Can you?"

Erebus nodded, keeping his voice low as he spoke to Malacoda. "Yes, I can still feel the User-that-is-not-a-user, but just barely," he murmured.

Malacoda glanced behind him, turning his attention to his prisoner, his prize- the arrogant Angel1059. "Can you feel her too?" he asked.

"Yes," Erebus replied, looking over at Angel as well, his head tilted to the side as he regarded her. "She interests me... how have I not felt her before?"

"I was about to ask you the same," Malacoda said, narrowing his eyes slightly as he looked at Erebus. "If I had been aware of her presence, we could have captured her sooner and used her as leverage against the NPCs, and yet you said nothing."

Erebus's hands clenched into fists as Malacoda spoke. "I said nothing because I didn't know she was here," he hissed. "How could I have?"

"How could you not have?" Malacoda retorted, his eyes burning brighter with anger. "It's your job, isn't it? You could feel the first User-that-is-not-a-user, why not her?"

"Perhaps she's just different," Erebus said, speaking quickly in order to keep Malacoda from getting too pissed off. "She could have joined the server through other means, and that would be why we were unable to feel her."

Malacoda grunted in response. "That was obvious from the very start," he said. "I could tell that she was different from the moment I saw her."

Once again, Erebus had to restrain himself from scoffing in exasperation. This fool spoke as if he knew everything about Angel, despite having met her only a few moments ago. He looked back at the User-that-is-not-a-user for a moment, just taking her in.

"What else is obvious about her?" he asked, not taking his eyes off of her, wanting to test the Ghast a little.

"Well, it's clear that the other User-that-is-not-a-user doesn't care about her," Malacoda said confidently, oblivious to what Erebus was doing. "He told his army to abandon her back in the Nether, when his friend had a clear shot to free her... perhaps this was just a by-product of his cowardice."

"And?" Erebus motioned for Malacoda to continue. "What else have you learned about our new companion from the few moments she was here?"

Malacoda glared at Erebus, tentacles twitching underneath his body. "Why don't you tell me?" he snapped.

Erebus looked down as Malacoda's eyes burned into his soul. He hated when he got this way, it only reaffirmed in his mind just how dangerous this King was. One day soon, he had to remind himself, he was going to kill him and take over this army; this he knew for certain. "I will," he told Malacoda, who looked slightly confused.

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