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A throbbing pain in the back of her head was the first thing that Angel felt upon her return to consciousness. Her thoughts were fuzzy, and her vision blurred and dimmed as she weakly raised her head, glancing around and trying to figure out where the hell she was. How did she end up on the ground, in this dimly lit tunnel, where the sound of bones rattling against bones was grating on her ears and making it awful for her to think - what the hell was that noise?

"Well, well, well," a clattering voice spoke above her. "Did you enjoy your little nap, User-that-is-not-a-user?"

Angel groaned, wincing at the pain in her head as she raised herself up on her elbows, blinking up at the tall wither-skeleton grinning mockingly at her. The pain only seemed to grow worse as she attempted to remember what had happened before she woke up.

"How did I get here...?" she mumbled, sitting up properly and placing a hand on the back of her head.

Raucous laughter echoed throughout the tunnel, causing Angel to wince again as the wither skeletons mocked her.

"The great King of the Nether taught you a valuable lesson," the general cackled. "Perhaps this will serve you well to disrespect him in the future... not like you'll ever see him again, of course. You're stuck here forever."

Angel huffed, gripping onto one of the bars on her cage as she slowly stood up. "I can't remember shit..." she muttered. "Wait... didn't you have a name?"

"Nigel," the general said.

The name sounded vaguely familiar to Angel. "I must've hit my head..." she mused, leaning against her cage. Glancing around, she noticed, to her dismay, that none of the other members of the army were there. "Where's everyone else?"

"Gone," Nigel said. "They left to pursue the Source and take the Gateway of Light in order to enter your world. Soon, the other User-that-is-not-a-user and his pathetic villager friends will be unable to stop the might of Malacoda's army, and Minecraft will fall. You will bear witness as your world is destroyed and taken over by those that you were meant to destroy."

Every word Nigel spoke felt like a drill being driven into Angel's skull. "For God's sake, just be quiet for one second..." she snapped. "I can't think right... I really hit my head, didn't I?"

Another round of harsh laughter followed Angel's comment as the wither skeletons clamored around her cage. "Jesus Christ- fuck off!" Angel shouted, her voice barely heard over the mocks and jeers of the skeletons.

"That's hurtful!" Nigel giggled, leaning a bony arm on the bars of Angel's cage. Angel was tempted to punch him, but she doubted that hitting solid bone would be very good for her hand. "You're going to be here forever, Loser-that-is-a-loser, wouldn't you like some company?"

"Anyone is better than you," Angel muttered.

"Anyone, you say?" Nigel tilted his skull. "So you'd prefer someone like, oh, I don't know, Erebus?"

"Hey, at least he comes up with interesting conversation topics and is actually good at being scary, unlike you," Angel retorted. "What's the deal with everyone putting me and Erebus together? It's pissing me off."

Nigel giggled again, bony fingers tapping against the iron bars. "It's funny," he explained excitedly. "Because you're both rumored to be these great heroes, when in reality you're nothing but pathetic cowards."

"Bro- when was I ever a coward?" Angel exclaimed. "When was Erebus a coward? He didn't even do anything! Neither of us did!"

"Oh, have you seen him compared to His Majesty, the great King of the Nether?" Nigel scoffed. "The way he submits in a heartbeat when Malacoda commands him to? It's entertaining to watch!"

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