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Angel was finally alone, and it was far less comforting than she would have preferred. Malacoda and the majority of the Nether monsters were back in the tunnel, talking with the shadow-crafters. She had deduced that Ironbrine, the one who had made the cage she was trapped in, was one of those shadow-crafters, especially after learning that the one who had resembled a zombie was - fittingly - named Zombiebrine. The last part, "brine", seemed to be a common theme in the names of the shadow-crafters, which she found fascinating.

Despite this intrigue, once again, Angel was quite bored, and now, even Abidan wasn't here to talk with her. She was slightly grateful for this, since she hated the way he had spoken about Erebus - again, not like she cared about him or anything. All of the monsters that weren't royal irritated her greatly with the way they spoke in general, so she brushed that off as being a factor in her distaste for Abidan.

She scanned her surroundings, strongly tempted to exit the game for some time until something interesting happened, before she caught sight of a figure on the horizon, standing beside a small oak tree. As she watched, the leaves of the tree began to wither, dying right there on the branches, as if this being's presence was so hateful that he caused this to happen. It was a sickening sight, watching the distant leaves crumble into ash before her until the tree was naked, nothing but spindly branches attached to the thick, diseased trunk.

The figure turned his head to face her, glowing eyes burning bright as he regarded her closely. This gaze felt similar to Erebus's, but somehow, it was even more harsh than the Enderman's. Instead of looking back at him, Angel opted to turn away, as if staring at him for too long would blind her.

"Funky..." she mumbled, looking out across the horizon.

A hint of excitement kindled within her as she realized that she was not the only one observing the figure on the horizon. Erebus had returned from whatever he and his army had been sent out to do- likely to fight Gameknight and his army. Angel knew she should have been much more concerned for their well-being than she currently was, and it unsettled her slightly - she didn't want her apathy to be directed toward the wrong side.

As she had expected, Erebus teleported over to her cage. Angel flipped him off as he approached.

"How'd your thing go?" she asked, walking up to the bars separating her from Erebus. "Didja kill them?"

Erebus's irritated scowl and how tense his body was gave away the answer before he spoke. "No," he muttered, looking away. "Gameknight was ready for us. They were commanding iron golems."

"Oh, god, those things..." Angel muttered, shaking her head. "Well, I'm sure you don't wanna tell this whole story twice. Your boss is in the cave with those shadow crafters."

Erebus immediately looked up at Angel. "He's not my boss," he snapped.

"Huh... then why's he still alive?" Angel asked. "He's a dick - he made you go first into the cave, and mocked you for being allergic to water or whatever. If I was you, I would've thrown him into the void by now. I'm sorry," she said quickly, noticing how pissed off Erebus looked from what she was saying. "I'm just trying to understand the power dynamic between y'all."

Erebus was about to speak, but was interrupted by Malacoda himself exiting the cave. Angel raised an eyebrow as he did so; the King of the Nether appeared visibly uneasy due to the cramped space he was in, but this quickly left him as soon as he floated up out of the cave.

"Oh man... are you claustrophobic?" Angel called to him. "The almighty King of the Nether, claustrophobic?"

Malacoda glared at Angel. "The infamous User-that-is-not-a-user, afraid of a little water?" he retorted.

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