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Flashing lights, cameras, screaming and crowds pushing through.

If you told sixteen-year-old me, that I'd be living the life I could only dream about, I think she'd pass out.

My bodyguards tried their hardest, trying to block out the crazed fans trying to touch me and my other members, people tried sticking out their hands to grab my hand, throw gifts and whatnot.

You get used to this kinda thing eventually.

"JANG HAERIN!! OVER HERE! HAERIN!!!" A voice screamed for my name as I put my head down, trying to block out the noise and the amount of commotion made.

"HAERIN!!! WE LOVE YOU!!! HAERIN CAN I GET A PICTURE?!" Another voice yelled through the waves of screaming fans.

Airports were a nightmare, I had no idea how people even managed to figure out which airport we were arriving at, and which one we were departing from.

Out of nowhere, a fan managed to get through, snatching my hat off my head forcefully. I shot my head to look at the fan, with a perplexed and annoyed stare, he suddenly grabbed onto my arm tightly, clutching onto it.

Two bodyguards pulled him off, dragging him away as he tried his best to resist, but still, he was no match for the buff guys taking him away.

God, what the fuck?

I gave a breathy sigh, continuing to trudge through the crowds as the bodyguard reinforcement became stronger, and finally, they were doing their job of blocking out obsessive fans.

Luckily, we made it to the plane safely, it was a matter of time before some weird fan pulled a strange move in the presence of an idol. I was expecting it, but right now? Not at all.

I guess that's a first.

We sat in the plane, all giving sighs and exhales of relief.

"Damn, what the hell is wrong with people?" Mira gave a frustrated exhale, running her fingers through her hair.

I looked at my arm, to where the fan grabbed me harshly. I rubbed my hand gently up and down, just hoping a bruise wouldn't form.

"Is there even a chance of going to an airport that isn't swarmed with fans?" I asked, already knowing the answer, but just out of curiosity.

"Man, how the fuck do they even find us like that? We finished our Japan tour a week ago, and we're only leaving Japan now. We didn't tell anybody this." Hana leant her head on her seat, we were all exhausted and irritated.

"Saesangs are out here working full time just to track us down." Hyeri added, making us all give a small laugh, knowing she's fully correct.

"I'm just glad that our Asia and America tour is finished. I can finally see my cat again." I gave a light smile, shutting my eyes as the plane took off.

"That's your only priority? Pfft, I can't wait to taste my mother's cooking, instead of some stupid cardboard food that's like three calories." Hana excitedly smiled, already eager to just taste her mother's food.

"Yeah, well, I actually don't have a mother to cook me food." I responded, a small smirk forming onto my face as the four of them went silent, three of them looking down in order to not laugh at what I just said.

It was a little joke between us, I didn't take it to heart whenever they mentioned my lack of family, and they thought it was funny when I used it against some of them in arguments.

"Wow, okay, way to make the conversation light-hearted Haerin." Hana cleared her throat, looking around as the other three gave muffled laughs.

"For real though, we're on break now? Right? If our boss makes us do any more bullshit I swear, I'll refuse to resign the contract in two years." Taeri inquired, we knew as much as she did on things like these. I knew she was kidding, she wouldn't refuse to sign our contract at all, I mean, come on, the perks you get as an idol?

"I mean we've literally just finished our tour, surely we won't be doing much." Hyera responded, as clueless as me on this.

"Alright Haerin, you know the drill, take a bunch of airplane selfies to post in Korea so that we get more popularity." Mira clasped her hands together, looking at me.

I turned my head slowly to face her, raising a brow and really reluctantly pulling out my phone.

"Me?" I gave a small pout, my limbs were completely dust.

"Who else is the visual?" Mira deadpanned, "And besides, you have the most followers out of us all on Instagram."

I gave a sigh, pulling out my phone and facing the camera to my face. I inhaled sharply, immediately switching my tired face for one of passion, happiness and thankfulness.

I posed a few times, giving a smile, heart, a peace sign. Then after that was done, I slid my phone back into my pocket with a tired expression.

"Wow, that duality was crazy." Taeri chuckled, I gave a small smile, leaning my head back comfortably on the chair, and closing my eyes.

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