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The bottle was spun once again, I took another sip of my drink, alcohol feeling like a sweet pain reliever during these tough times.

Especially now that starting tomorrow, I had to go on an extreme diet, and get to the bottom of whoever sent me that package.

I shuddered, just thinking about the dead rat present inside, and all those photos.

"HAERIIIN!!!" My name was suddenly cheered, and I snapped out of my daze, looking at the table, the bottle pointing directly at me.

I widened my eyes, almost spitting my drink out.

"Me?!" I looked at everyone, curious to see who'll be the person I get paired up with.

"Well, the bottle is pointing at you." Taeri nudged me, wiggling her brows. I rolled my eyes.

"Alright, who wants to spin for Haerin?" Jay cheered, looking around at us all.

I looked around the circle too, a certain face catching my attention more than the others. Jake.

He was staring at me, his expression just smug in a way, but also intrigued. I don't know, something with his face seemed as if he was interested in me and where this game was going.

"Ah, come on then, I'll do it - maybe you'll get someone good." Hana gave a cough, "Jake - ahem." She cleared her throat as I just glared at her, I'm pretty sure everybody heard her comment, people were just chuckling and smiling after she said that.

But anyways, she spun the bottle, and as per usual, it went round and round. And for some reason, every time it spun towards Jake's side, my heart sped up.

The bottle was slowing down, and it made me increasingly nervous seeing it begin to favour Jake's side of the room.

Dear lord, just don't be Jake out of all people.

I don't think I could bare being in an enclosed space, in the dark, with that guy, while drunk.

That just calls for no good.

I swallowed hard, the whole table was silent, waiting in anticipation to see who I'd get paired with. I think everybody else was more intrigued than I was.

Their eyes fully stuck onto this one bottle, which was literally about to stop.

I closed my eyes, praying for some sort of miracle right now - if the world was on my side, then it'd land on one of my girls.

"JAKE!!!" Hyeri's squeal made me open my eyes faster than I ever known I could've. My heartbeat raced against my chest, feeling as if I was going to possibly pass out.

"Oooh shit!" Niki giggled, everybody around was excited, audibly displaying this.

Aside from me and Jake. We just looked at each other, silently exchanging glances.

Why is the world against me in this moment?

"Guys we might need to get like, a key to the closet, just in case they don't come out after the seven minutes is up." Sunghoon jeered, laughing and smiling brightly as I stood up.

Okay guys, this was not funny at all.

As the two of us head towards the closet, cheering and chanting was heard from the rest of them. I rolled my eyes, barely being able to walk to the closet in a straight line.

"What are the chances of that?" Jake lowly emit a chuckle from his lips as he opened the door, walking in with me behind.

"I know right." I sighed, closing the door behind me, now enclosing us in pure darkness.

I skimmed my fingers across the wall, unable to see much, and heavily relying on touch. Upon feeling for a wall, my hands traced across something that was definitely not a wall.

I swallowed hard, feeling the hard abdomen of the man I was with in here.

"Whoops, not a wall." I nervously gave a laugh as I just sat down on the ground, managing to lean on the wall.

He slid down beside me, pulling his phone out and illuminating us with the homescreen slightly.

"I would use the flash, but I feel like that's kind of cheating." Jake gave a small sigh, turning his phone off, surrounding us back in the darkness.

All that could be heard in this room was our breathing, it was silent, aside from the sound of inhalation and exhalation, and I feel like it made it so much more higher in tension.

"Jake." I broke the silence, the tension falling with it.

I could feel his head turn to look at me.


"What did you mean when you said that I sparked your interest?" I inquired, a question I've been dying to ask him since he told me that.

He gave a chuckle, silence following afterwards as he thought briefly.

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