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Instead of even talking remotely about Jake and what to do in a situation like this, we ended up both going completely off track and talking about topics completely unrelated.

It was around 1am currently, and I wondered if Jake was still in his studio.

"Okay, okay, hold on. Weren't we here to talk about you and Jake? How are we rating their album concept outfits right now?" Taeri looked at me through the screen, raising a brow as I just pressed my lips together.

"Oh yeah.." I looked to the side, then back at the camera.

"Okay but let's get one thing straight - Niki Carnival Border era, absolutely yes." Taeri had to input, and I just laughed, nodding my head in agreeal.

We laughed for a short second, until Taeri completely stopped out of nowhere, and just stared at me seriously through the camera.

"You need to just do it, I don't know what else to tell you. What are you scared of Haerin?" Taeri directed the topic back to mine and Jake's situation, to which I just gave a quiet sigh.

"I don't want to lose my job Taeri, you know how people are already out for my head for that dumbass show. Now what if people catch me leaving Jake's place? My apartment has already been broken into." I told her, and she just nodded understandingly.

"Yeaaah, but will they really find out? I meaaaan, they're already shipping you with that Jinhyeong from the reality show, I suppose no matter what you do, you'll always be attacked for being shipped with someone." Taeri's words weren't really helping me right now, and I think she realised that herself, "Okay no - I mean like, it's just better for it to happen now then later."

I stared at her dumbfounded through the screen, just giving blank blinks. These were not the words I wanted to hear right now.

".. Taeri.." I said her name calmly, she was on the verge of bursting out in laughter from how unhelpful she was being.

"Haerin, Haerin, don't kill me okay? I'm just trying to tell you to do what I did, and just be upright with it. Hate will be inevitable." Taeri began her wise words again, but I paused at one specific moment of her words.

"I'm just trying to tell you what I did? What do you mean by that?" I quoted her own words, looking at her with slight confusion and interest.

Taeri's face became a pale pink, and she looked around her room - the crevices of her lips curving upright.

"Taeri.. what is going on..." I had a smile on my face, wanting to hear her words right now.

"So liiiikee.. you know how everyone said I had a thing with Jay... Well..." Taeri couldn't hold back her smile right now, and neither could I.

"No way. You're dating Jay???" I exclaimed, in a pure state of excitement and shock.

"It kind of just happened to be like that." She shrugged with the biggest flustered smile known to man.

"Ooooh my god, since when?????" I squealed into my pillow, as if I was a fangirl. I was truly so happy for her.

"A little before the closet incident. Come on, you couldn't tell?" Taeri laughed, her cheeks red from this new information she shared with me.

My jaw dropped, damn, she hid that for quite some time.

"Jesus, you guys hid that well. I would've never guessed." I laughed, thinking about my own situation.

"That's exactly why I'm telling you to do the exact same thing. I'm hanging up now, let me know the results, bye!!!" Taeri hung up briefly afterwards.

I lay back on my bed, my phone on my chest as I stared at the ceiling.

If Taeri can hide it so well, I suppose I could too. I turned my head to face the windows, staring out at the view.

The skyline was dark, dotted with stars and buildings, city lights and whatnot. It was a peaceful night, a quiet one.

One maybe even perfect for confessing.

I sat up, the clock was nearing 2am, and I was honestly unsure whether Jake would be up. But, with this newfound confidence and bravery, I stood up from my bed, heading out towards his studio.

As I began getting closer to the door, a timid force held me back slightly. I wondered whether this was a good decision.

But again, that sudden confession of Taeri that she was dating Jay, really motivated me to knock on his door and see if he was still inside.

I brought my hand up to his door, hesitating for a little while. But, I gave a knock, and after a few seconds, nothing.

Oh. Was he already in his room?

I opened the door, and to my surprise, he was actually in there. His headphones were on, hair slightly messy, skin natural and clear. His face was focused on one of his monitors.

The lights in his studio were a dim purple, radiating off his skin.

He turned to look at me, lowering his headphones down to his neck. A smile traced his lips.

"You're still up?" Jake's voice was slightly raspy, possibly from tiredness, but despite that, his kind eyes never failed to make my heart weaken.

"I should be saying that to you." I chuckled, coming into his studio and closing the door behind me.

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