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"You're joking right?" Hyera spat, giving a very sour laugh while we just looked at Mingho, unsure if he was being serious still.

"For real, we just came off tour." Mira gave him a nasty glare, Mingho's smile faded slowly.

"You're in a mansion, with the members of Enhypen, for what, at most three months? They're just filming some parts of your life, it's nothing serious. Consider it your break." Mingho made matters worse with his words, "You're in a beautiful mansion tucked in the mountains, there's a huge lake, a boat, jacuzzi in the place, it's everything you could ask for."

"You do know I'm going through a scandal with one of the members right now, right?" I wondered if he understood that this reality show could make matters worse for me.

Mingho gave a light groan, staring at me.

"Haerin. You may as well take advantage of it, we all know it's not true. Jake brought us more popularity, and our website views have skyrocketed even more. Will you guys ever just think?" He grew a little frustrated with us, although it should be the other way round, we had no choice but to comply.

We all exchanged glances with each other, neither of us wanted to do any of this reality show bullshit, especially because one: I'll have to live in a facade for a good few weeks, two: more scandal uproar at the fact two groups of opposite gender are staying in the same place.

The five of us communicated through looks, we knew there was no way out, so we all ended up just having to agree.

"Alright, when does it start." Hyera inquired, her voice monotone and unenthusiastic.

"As soon as you sign these papers." He slid papers down the table, five papers, for the five of us. Damn, he was ready to sign these himself.

I hesitantly signed the papers, it was just a bunch of stuff that talked about filming and recording.

Giving a large sigh, I handed the signed papers, along with the rest, to Mingho. Well, I guess I'd be spending the next months in the same place as Enhypen, under a constant audience and camera.

Mingho proudly grinned, looking at the papers in his hands with such a money-hungry smile that it was unbelievable.

"Go pack your things, come back here in an hour. Van will be waiting to take you guys to the place." Mingho didn't even look at us, he just stared at the papers with gold in his eyes.

He took out his phone and dialed for a number as we all ushered ourselves out of there, unamused expressions on our faces.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." Taeri cursed in a hiss-like tone. The mood was completely killed, I felt as if a contract termination would've been better than this.

"We're screwed, what the hell are we supposed to do about this? Haerin is already getting flamed on every platform possible for such a small interaction with Jake, now imagine us all sharing a place with all seven of them." Hana rubbed her face, I didn't even want to involve myself in this conversation.

I simply dragged my feet towards the exit of the building, sluggishly following the girls behind.

"Let's just try and avoid as much contact with them possible, just act as if we're only sharing a hotel with them. If we don't make any content, then they can't really release the reality show." Mira explained, and suddenly the atmosphere changed.

We all looked at Mira, I raised a brow.

"Hey, you're right. What will they do if we don't even interact that much anyways? Kick us out? Only better for us." I chuckled as the girls smiled.

"Come on BLOOM, let's pull through these few months, or maybe a few days." Hana chuckled as we all nodded.

Of course, the mood didn't stay uplifted for long. Mingho came rushing towards us, looking at us.

"Camera crew will be recording as soon as you come back here with your luggage, so be quick so that they don't need to wait long." Mingho rushed us, and I rolled my eyes, turning around and heading towards the exit.

Despite the reluctancy of wanting to go to that place, I didn't want to make Mingho mad, after all, if the guy didn't get his lump sum of money, he'd probably take it out on us.

I sighed, finishing packing and looking at my cat, innocently laying on my bed. I didn't want to leave him with my friend again.

So, instead, I took him along, putting him in a cage and putting him in my car. Yeah Mingho, we'll see how you like that.

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