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Thirteen people in one restaurant was quite a big number, but not only that, we had to include camera men and staff too.

This poor local restaurant had to deal with the wraith of having kpop idols invade their space.

Jinhyeong sat beside me, we were engaging in some rather casual talk, he was a pretty cool guy and his company was fun to be around too.

"Listen to this." He picked up some fried chicken, leaning in closer to me and taking a bite. I was expecting it to crunch, but it didn't crunch at all.

I laughed at him, his expression was so disappointed and the moment was totally anticlimax, the cameras of course, had to be panned on the two of us.

Jake was sat elsewhere, somewhere with Hyera and Niki, but from the occasional looks, I could see him glance over at me from time to time.

What? Was he checking to see if I was actually eating any of my food?

I chuckled, even though I was with friends and my life was being broadcasted, I still had to pretend as if I was eating, all I did was push the food among the plate, or act too distracted to eat, which in my defense, worked really well.

And eventually, after a few 'funny' moments and a few entertaining moments were filmed in the restaurant, we finished sitting in the restaurant and left collectively.

The sky was beginning to become a paler blue, eventually fading into a pink as we strolled home. Jinhyeong was walking beside me, enjoying the beautiful scenery around Sokcho.

"It amazes me that two hours away from here is a huge city with huge skyscrapers, isn't that crazy to you?" Jinhyeong suddenly mentioned, and now that he said it, yeah, it is a little baffling.

"Well, I guess that's how cities work..." I chuckled at his really huge philosophical words.

"Oh come on, you know what I'm trying to say. It's like, Seoul is so huge and crazy compared to Sokcho, it's so much quieter, but it's only two hours away." Jinhyeong continued with his words, and I just looked at him as if he was losing his mind.

"Don't look at me like that Haerin." He sulked, playfully pushing me away as I laughed at him.

"Okay, but just tell me, how does it feel being an attractive solo artist, do you get a big ego boost from the amount of girls swooning over you?" I asked him, and he laughed at my words, looking at me in disbelief.

"Hey, are you allowed to say that while being filmed?" Jinhyeong looked at the cameraman who just laughed, filming us.

"No seriously answer the question." I inquired, a bright grin on my face.

"Well, you know, It's pretty cool." He was unsure of what to say, but he leant in closer to me, whispering something into my ear that wouldn't be audible for the microphone and camera to pick up.

"It's fucking awesome, I get bitches left, right centre, who wouldn't love that?" He whispered quietly and as he stood up straight again, I burst out into laughter from his words.

This directed the attention of some of BLOOM and Enhypen members, they glanced back at the two of us laughing at seemingly nothing.

Jake turned around, looking at me initially, and then turning around shortly after.

"You know what Haerin, we need to have our own little channel together, I feel like we make a great duo together." Jinhyeong put his arm around my shoulder as we walked down a small hill, the sun setting and the sky blending into a mixture of colours.

"Hm, yeah you think? What name would it have?" I thought for a while, enjoying the peaceful walk towards the direction of the mansion.

"Listen, I've already thought this through. Hear me out, the JinRin channel. You know? Like Jin from my name and then Rin from your name?" Jinhyeong really did seem to have thought about this prior.

"Damn, I can get onboard with that, hey, don't forget this. I'll be waiting for that collab." I looked at him as he chuckled.

Upon arriving home, Jinhyeong had to return back to Seoul, it was beginning to get dark, and he had things to do the next day.

He stood in the middle of the mansion, holding his bags and saying goodbye to everybody individually.

"Haerin!" He shouted for me, I spun around, walking up to him and embracing him in a tight hug.

"Safe travels Jin." I giggled, my smile just becoming wider and wider at the sight of his face smiling brighter too.

"I'll be sure to visit again Rin, remember, when I go on tour, you're the first number I'm dialing." He winked, waving me goodbye as I waved him off. He got into his ride, the black van driving off not so long after.

I gave a large exhale, exhausted from today, even though I didn't do anything remotely excessive.

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