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It was the day of the comeback stage, and our group was sat near the front, enjoying the time here. It felt like a while since being back into an award show.

There were many groups scattered across seats, and when I walked into the venue, I was looking for a group in specific - but was I able to see them? No.

It was a little disappointing, but I guess for the best.

Fans cheered and yelled, waving lightsticks and banners as the two hosts stood at the front, talking on the microphone about groups and whatnot.

After a brief introduction, the performances were going to be announced.

"I can see a lot of familiar lightsticks, banners and pickets for a certain group. So, introducing, the boy band that stole the hearts of many - ENHYPEN!!" The woman on the microphone pointed to the stage that was rising behind her, the lights were dimmed, and then suddenly brightened, revealing seven men on the stage.

My smile dropped, and I thought that they wouldn't be here - but who am I kidding, of course they would be here.

Taeri glanced over at me, and then turned head back to face the stage where the boys were performing. I looked on my phone for a short second, before panning my attention back to the stage.

I was like a fancam for a specific member, I just watched as he danced, sang, everything. Wow, after not seeing him in such a long time, the effects of heartache really begin to come back to you.

Mid performance, a staff member told our group to come and get ready for our performance, so as quick and sneakily as possible, we made our way to the dressing rooms and began to get ready for our performance.

I sat on a chair, Taeri sat on the seat beside me, two makeup artists touching up our makeup and our hair. The outfits for this concept was really cute, and to be honest, if not the heartache, I reckon that I would've really enjoyed it.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, the seven boys came into the room, sweating and panting from their performance. I watched in the mirror as a certain man came into view, Jake.

He looked over at me in the mirror, and we made a brief second of eye contact through the mirror.

I quickly looked away, they were walking into the next room to cool off and sit in the crowd again.

"Ah, damn, that was good. Come on guys, let's hurry cause the next performance is about to start." Jungwon led them out of the room and into a different room.

Taeri simply looked over at me, the same expression on her face as mine. I still had no idea what went between her and Jay, but I probably reckon that they had also, broken up and stopped talking for the safety of their own image.

"BLOOM, YOU'RE UP!" One of the staff members spoke at the doors, and we all lined up in our order, heading out of the door and to the stage.

We were under the stage currently, waiting for it to lift us up and show us to the crowd.

"AND INTRODUCING, ONE OF THE BIGGEST, MOST TALENTED SET OF WOMEN - BLOOM THEMSELVES!" The woman explained, followed by screaming and cheering as the stage lift us up, raising us to stand and see over the crowds.

Clapping, cheering and yelling was heard, people were going wild.

"We got this guys." Hyera muttered under her breath as we stood in assigned positions, the song began and as standard protocol, we began dancing and singing.

It was going well, people were enjoying it thoroughly, and despite how exhausted I was, I still had that fighting adrenaline in me, coursing through my veins with such desperacy.

It was kind of hard dancing in heels, usually we wouldn't but for this concept we had to.

Our song had ended, and judging by the reactions I could see, everybody was amazed and bewildered. More clapping and cheering was heard after we finished. The five of us gave a collective bow as we finished up.

The host approached us on the stage, a huge smile on her face as she came up to me first.

"You guys, that performance was absolutely beautiful! Haerin, tell us, do your group have any intentions on going on tour with that new album?" She asked me, giving me the mic as I stared into the crowd, looking for a familiar face.

"We're looking forward.. to..." I suddenly couldn't catch my breath, and the bright lights and the noise became muffled, "Looking forward to..."

Before I knew it, my legs gave in, and I fell straight to the floor. Gasps and loud muttering was heard, my members shouting for my name as the host panicked, beckoning assistance for the stage.

"We'll be right back after a short intermission." The host remained professional, calling the show for a break.

The stage lights dimmed completely, and I fully blacked out.

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