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Surprisingly, the news of Mingho's abusive spread around quickly, and he got kicked off his position fast as hell.

Many were frustrated and absolutely devastated with the clips of Mingho treating us like pieces of shit - even some debut videos managed to circle around, showing that he was like this from the start.

The company was under fire, and people demanded for us to get a break and be able to live as freely as we wanted to.

But even despite the demands for us to get a break, we had a tour to go on, which thankfully, would be quite alright.

Due to Mingho being kicked off, that did leave us director-less for a little while, up until we received a new director.

Thankfully, he was the sweetest man known to earth. He had worked previously with other large bands up until contracts closed and they had disbanded - but he was known for being relatively with ease and light about groups.

"BLOOM!! Come in here!!!" Hyungsik, our new director, called us into the meeting room.

Obviously, we were still a little wary over him, considering we had Mingho on our asses for good few years, we still couldn't completely trust Hyungsik over words from others.

We all looked at each other, slightly bit paranoid and nervous, but regardless, we made our way to the meeting room, where Hyungsik was sat looking through some papers.

We stood timidly and Hyungsik just looked at us, then proceeded to laugh.

"You know you can sit down, I'm not Mingho, please be comfortable around me." Hyungsik leant back slightly on his chair, giving a stretch.

So, we sat down, wondering what he called us down here for.

"You're going on tour in two days, aren't you guys?" He looked at his phone as we all nodded, "Are you sure you want to do this now? I understand that after Mingho, you may want to go on a bit of a hiatus to collect yourselves."

We all looked at each other, and I don't think any of us really wanted to go on a hiatus instead of touring. Touring was fun for us all, especially when we had Mingho, it was like a getaway because he was barely there, only sometimes attended the concerts in Korea.

"Actually, we're fine with touring, but maybe after the concerts finish - we could go on a bit of a break?" Hyera looked over at us all, and we all nodded our head in agreement.

"Yep, that's fine too, as long as you all are fine with it." Hyungsik nodded his head vigorously with a small smile.

We settled on going on a bit of a break after the tours, it'd make sense after all.

"Alright, well that's it - actually. Taeri and Haerin, can you stay here for a bit? You three can go." Hyungsik dismissed most of the members, and Taeri looked at me, equally as confused.

Okay, what the hell was going on?

I gave a look to Taeri, unsure if we should make a run for it or what.

The other three walked out, also looking as confused and perplexed as we did. But nonetheless, the two of us sat in here, opposite Hyungsik as he scrolled on his phone for a little bit.

He looked up at us, placing his phone down.

"Taeri, Haerin." He spoke our names, and I again, out of pure instinct, braced for some shouting, "I heard that you two are quite close with some of the boys from Enhypen."

I pressed my lips, Taeri glanced over at me, a concerned look on her face. Were we about to get reprimanded too?

"Quite close? Eh.. recently... not so much.." Taeri spoke carefully and slowly, ensuring she wouldn't expose us.

Hyungsik gave a brief moment of laughter.

"Guys, I know you two are in a relationship, or something around that. I just want to tell you that it's alright, as long as it doesn't interfere so much with your career, you're free to date whoever you want." Hyungsik suddenly said, and I shot my head up to look at him, as did Taeri.

Our mouths both slightly dropped, over hearing that we were actually allowed to date whoever and whenever.

"Sorry, what?" I asked again, confused whether I heard the right thing or not.

"You heard me, it's completely fine. Date whoever you want, regardless of articles or not. Such small things won't harm our image, people will end up getting used to it eventually." Hyungsik gave a sweet smile, looking over his phone.

I just looked at Taeri, two wide smiles crossed our faces, but we tried to hide them as best as we could.

"Seriously?" I had to make sure completely.

"Yes Haerin, it's fine to be with Jake, you're all doing fine. I don't understand what Mingho was on, maybe he wanted you all for himself, who knows." Hyungsik shrugged nonchalantly, looking over some papers again, "Anyways, that's all, you're free to go guys."

To say I ran out of the company building, was an underestimate, I became possessed by the spirit of a track runner.

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