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The cameras were shooting, and today we had a supposed, 'special episode'.

How special? I have no idea, we were just told to gather in the main room and sit around. So that's exactly what we did, waiting for the next command.

One of the staff members came in, followed by two more, they were carrying those huge black garbage bags, which seemed to have stuff inside.

They placed the three bags in the centre, emptying the contents. And it was just wrapped boxes, some letters, some smaller boxes, some larger.

We all were equally confused, just watching a haul of boxes and letters topple over each other in the centre.

"So today, we have gathered fanmail for you all to unbox on camera. It's like a little fan special episode, since the support for this show has been massive." The staff explained, "You can start."

And so we did, we sat on the ground, picking up boxes and fanmail, and just unboxing them.

It was a rather fun experience actually, I thought with the amount of boxes, it'd be so boring, but surprisingly, it was good.

I opened a big box first, addressed to me. And I was a little nervous at first, thinking that it was going to be like an explosive in there or something, but as I opened it, a box revealed what was inside.

It was just a huge bear, like an absolutely huge one. It was fat as hell. I took it out with the biggest smile on my face, it was very soft and squishy, I absolutely loved it.

The camera was panned to me, I stared at the lens with sparkles in my eyes from how happy I was.

"Whoever sent me this, I love you." I grinned, hugging the bear and then placing it aside.

A short while passed, and we were still unboxing packages, it was still fun, we were just looking at the weird stuff we were sent, some things sent were very expensive, like laptops and iPads, I have no idea how people can afford such things and send them to random strangers.

One package was addressed to me, it was a long, thin package, and wondering what it was, I opened it. The cardboard wasn't that easy to open, and on the front, it had fragile stickers plastered on it.

I managed to finally open it though, and there was another folded piece of cardboard, shaped into something or whatever.

Very confused, I took the folded cardboard out, and unfolded it. My jaw dropped at the figure on the floor.

"No way." Niki laughed, gaining the attention of everybody else.

"Oh my god. That needs to go in your room." Hana laughed, everybody was laughing over this.

I stood up, standing the cardboard figure up beside me too. I felt a little flustered, but since everybody else was laughing, I did too.

Somebody sent me a lifesize cardboard cutout of Jake. And he was stood right beside me. The height was pretty accurate too, if I say so myself.

"Who sent that, oh my god, you are a genius." Jake clapped his hands, in a fit of laughter as well as everybody else.

Even the staff were laughing at the package sent to me, I suppose I'd have to treasure this now. Jake stood up, standing beside the cardboard cutout of himself which was stood beside me. 

It turned out that he was only slightly bit taller than the cutout.

"Damn, who is this fine man over here." He started to touch the face of his cardboard cutout, to which I just stared at him, completely weirded out, but nonetheless, rolled with it.

After a while of opening the gifts, we ended up ending the shoot before we opened all the gifts - just because it would be boring watching a whole hour of adults opening gifts.

But still, even though the camera wasn't rolling, we still continued opening them - because some of the stuff inside was pretty funny.

I picked up another box, it was around shoe-box size. I ripped the paper open, and to my surprise, it was actually a shoe-box.

What? Did somebody send me a pair of shoes? How would they even know my shoe size?

Nevertheless, I opened the box, and to my surprise, it actually wasn't a pair of shoes.

Inside, there was a bunch of straw, and in the centre, pictures flipped the other way round so I couldn't quite see them yet.

It all seemed very weird, but without another second of doubt, I took ahold of the pictures and flipped them so I could see what was on them. But at the same time, as I took the pictures off the box, it turned out they were covering something even worse.

A fucking dead rat.

I shrieked, jumping up and away from the box while holding the pictures.

"What? What's going on?" Jake looked up at me immediately, heading to see what was inside.

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