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He held me in his grasp, and I just looked up into his sparkling eyes, my heart racing. I cleared my throat, standing upright and normally.

"Can't even walk straight." Jake scoffed, giving a huge smile as we carefully made it to the staff, handing the paper in.

We had to wait for the remaining groups to finish and hand their papers in, fortunately, it didn't take long. The second they saw us hand our paper in, the tempo of their groups increased massively.

"Alright, we'll count which group has the most correct answers." The staff member handed the other two papers to two different staff members.

And shortly after, the staff members came eerily into the middle of the room, holding a sheet of paper each.

"Okay, so, we've tallied up the results, and, the group progressing in the lead is.." The staff member held out his words, creating suspense as we all stared at the three of them, waiting for a piece of paper to be held up.

"Group A! You guys progress onto the next round in the lead!" The staff member in the middle held our paper first.

We all collectively cheered, high-fiving each other as the rest of them groaned and rolled their eyes.

"They're definitely cheating, there's no way." Hana complained, folding her arms.

"Ha, stay mad." Taeri scoffed, sticking her tongue out to the next group.


The next round was a trivia quiz, this one might actually be the one where we drop our place.

 "This quiz will be based of how well you know this show, questions will be based around most popular members in the show, most voted duo in the show and so on. If you do not know, you should guess." He explained as we all nodded.

The first few questions were mild, rather easy and majority of the groups got them right each time, us being one. Our group was doing well so far, still in the lead and still tryharding like none other.

"Question number five, fans of Reality Show have voted that there are two members they really enjoy seeing together, who do you think these are?" The next question was posed, causing me to think carefully.

I turned to look at our group.

"Most popular duo?" I thought for a while as Taeri looked at me, giving me a look that really just said, 'are you being for real right now?'

"Girl, it literally has to be you and Jake." Taeri spoke, acting as if it was super obvious.

"What? No waayyy.." I gave a nervous laugh, glancing over at Jake who just stared at me with a smile.

"I will slap you in a second." Taeri chuckled as she looked at my flushed face, I tried hard to deny that me and Jake were a popular, well liked duo.

"Please do, what, you can't tell?" Jake even chimed in, and I just looked at him, blankly.

"Alright damn, my bad guys, I'm not super observant." I rolled my eyes playfully as they chuckled, we turned around, facing the staff member at the front after writing our answer on the whiteboard.

"Please hold up your boards!" The guy spoke, and the three groups held up their boards, the guy reading them all.

"Oh? You all got the right answer. The answer was in fact, Jake and Haerin!" He seemed shocked that we all seemed to get it, and to be honest, I was shocked that everybody else got it too.

I looked back at Jake, who just stared at me with such a cute smile.

"It's that obvious?" I blinked rapidly, so confused and my heart beating out of my chest harder. I thought I was doing a great job at seeming as if I have nothing for Jake, but clearly everybody can tell we're an entertaining duo together.

Jake simply gave me a nod, pressing his lips lightly together.

"Even Taeri can see it, and you can't? Jesus Haerin." Jay gave a quiet laugh as I glared at him, Taeri did the exact same and then proceeded to lightly slap Jay on the shoulder.

"Jake sort your friend out before I jump him with Taeri." I glanced over at Jake who just pressed his lips together.

"I wouldn't mess with her if I were you, she's loco." Jake whispered loud enough for me to hear his words, I glared at him.

He slowly moved beside Jake, further from the side I was sat on.

"Just you wait til this episode is finished." I squint my eyes at Jake, pretending to threaten him.

"Question number six, BLOOM members, you cannot answer or tell any of the guys this question - which member of BLOOM has the nickname, 'sparkling'." The staff member spoke, and immediately Taeri looked over at me.

I was always known as Sparkling Haerin, that's why Mingho usually tells me he wants more of the 'sparkling Haerin' for things like these.

I was notorious especially during concerts for sparkling, standing out like a diamond, or for my sparkling makeup that made me look angelic. I thought it was a cute nickname made by my fans, up until Mingho started using it.

"Sparkling? Who the hell from BLOOM is sparkling? Definitely not Taeri for sure." Jake joined in with teasing Taeri who just clenched her jaw tightly, death staring the two of the guys giggling to each other.

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