Chapter 2 - Day 2

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- izukus p.o.v -
As soon as kacchan left the room I laid down and fell asleep, sadly it wasn't dreamless and it included a very vivid nightmare.
I run down a street and alley and am suddenly frozen, there's no body just a hand touching me
I tried screaming but my mouth wouldn't open. I try to move but I couldn't I had to just stand there while I was being raped.

I shoot up in a cold sweat. Just a dream. I get up I throw my cover off and stand up. I grab my clothes. As I'm getting dressed, I look down and and see that most of the cuts on my wrist have faded. I frown at the sight and open the drawer. I grab the box of blades. I grab on and blink back tears. I roll up my sleeve and press the blade onto my skin. I drag it across my arm until I'm met with a burning and stinging sensation in my arm, I put the blade away then pulled down my sleeve, I cringed as the blood smeared into and stuck to the fabric

I left the room only to be met with an angry blond cooking food at the stove.

"Sit down and eat." Kacchans tone seemed still mad but coated with worry. Why was he worried? I sat down and last night came flooding in. So that's why.
I didn't want to eat, I didn't feel like it, but the food did look pretty good so when he put it down in front of me I froze. I debated eating it, eating it and throwing it up, not eating it , actually eating part of it. I think kacchan read my mind cause he sat down next to me and tapped my shoulder, gaining my attention

"Can you just take five bites?" He shot me an affirming smile that, I have to admit made me melt inside a little bit. I did want to eat but I can't gain weight I just can't. I hated that idea. I refocused my attention back to the plate of food in front of me. I hated the numbers I saw. The number of calories per egg floated around '70' the number kept repeating when I snapped out of it I was brought into a hug with the blonde. I felt tears on my cheek. So I had been crying. I hugged back. Not immediately, but eventually.

"Four bites deku. I'm not leaving till you eat, and don't even think about doing anything to get out of it." The math circulated and I took three bites. I tried to get away with getting up but he stopped me. If I ate another bite, I would probably have eaten an entire egg. That's 70 calories, I can't have that but I also didn't want to upset him any more so I took another bite.

"Now that that's over, sit on the couch. We need to talk." I didn't want to talk.

"It's the weekend why don't we just relax and revisit this on monday-" I was cut off.

"No. Now sit down." he seemed angry so I complied and sat on the far left next to a window. I squeezed myself into the corner. I didn't want to talk I tried to come up with excuses but I couldn't.

"I just have some questions, just answer them honestly, please Deku, please." I debated it for a second while chewing on my bottom lip.

"Okay," I whispered it but he heard it.

"What happened last night?" No, no, no he wasn't asking that question, was he? He couldn't know, he can't know. He would see me differently, I don't want him to know. I started shaking and crying. I remember what happened and very vividly and I hated it. I wanted to tear off my own skin. It didn't feel like mine I hated it.

"Hey take a deep breath, what's wrong?" I get brought back to reality with a hand on my back.

"I-I don't think I-I can tell you." I don't want to be suspicious but I didn't lie. I didn't want to lie. I hated it.

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