The art boy ♡

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Scaramouche x Shy!Male!Reader

(Requested by: B3llaV1x)

KK: I had been thinking about the anime "Blue Period" all day so I had some inspo for this.

Warning(s): Pinning, Tease Scara, Paint on skin contact (Non-toxic paint), semi-public sex (Empty classroom), Rough Scara, Whinny reader?, etc... (Let me know if I missed any)

1,200+ Words

Scaramouche hadn't picked his elective for the year, completely leaving it up to fate

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Scaramouche hadn't picked his elective for the year, completely leaving it up to fate. So you can guess how annoyed he was when he got art. He hated art. It was messy, it was boring, and worst of all it took time, something he really didn't care to give it. 

The teacher had already given their first assignment, to draw something that represented them. She also gave the option of paint or pencil. Obviously, Scara chose pencil because he would just trace something online and make up some random bullshit. So a week later when everyone stood to share, Scara showed his traced picture of a cat.

He was flicking his clay eraser around when one person's art caught his attention in particular. Yours. His eyes widened as he traced over every stroke your paintbrush had made on the canvas. You were the only one to use paint and by far the only one to take it seriously. He could see your nervousness from a mile away as you spoke about it, and when he really looked he could see dried paint on your cheeks and a forgotten paintbrush still behind your ear.

Now all of a sudden art was his favorite class of the day. He loved watching you work on your art assignments. The way you made the brush so easily flow over the canvas. He thought it was some sort of talent until you told him just about anyone could do it. It was all about movement and focus of mind.

Often he'd find himself painting pictures of you before realizing what he was doing. He'd also find himself drawing on your face for fun. Always making little a cat nose and whiskers with whatever color he had before laughing at you. You never seemed to mind, at least not as much as he thought you would. You would always smile before doing the same to him.

He liked the feeling of the cool paint on his skin. Everyone liked it, even you. He wondered if cold paint would feel good everywhere...

You seemed to spill paint a lot. Always nervous when being called on or when eyes met yours. You were definitely shy, you never made an attempt to talk to anyone unless they were the ones who initiated the conversation themselves. 

It was when Scara was particularly stuck on a one-week assignment that he asked for your help. You had offered to stay after school and paint with him in hopes of help, to which he agreed. Little did he know he would see paint all over warm skin much sooner than he ever dreamed of.

"Scara.." You whined. What had started off as a normal painting session had escalated to something much more lewd.

"You said you'd help me with my week's assignment didn't you?" He teased, dipping his paintbrush in water before dragging it over his paint strokes to lighten the color.

"Yeah, but this is not what I meant you perv." He liked seeing your red face. He even bet that he could brush the color of rose pink and it would blend perfectly with your cheeks flushed color.

You shivered as you felt another stroke of cold paint touch your skin. Scara currently had you lying back first on one of the art tables, canvas long abandoned as he had found another use for the paint. He liked seeing all the goosebumps that appeared through the thin layers of color, liked seeing your breath hitch and the bulge growing in your pants.

"Someone excited for this being just a weeks assignment."

"W-who's fault is tha- EEK!" He chuckled, hearing you shriek when he ran his brush particularly high. He had ran it all the way from your V-line to just before the start of your chest."You jerk..."

You were definitely his favorite canvas now. Always would be. He didn't really have anything he was painting in particular on you, just blending colors with whatever looked nice together.

Eventually, he got impatient, dragging one of his thicker bristled paint brushes over the bulge in your pants. He could hear your audible gasp and chuckled when you started to worry about it permanently sticking to your clothes.

"I think I'm much more important than your clothes (Y/N)."

"You know what else is important? Not having purple paint on the crotch of my pants when I walk home." He watched your bottom lip jet out and your brows furrow. With that, any resistance he had beforehand seemed to snap on the spot.

His paintbrush could be heard falling to the floor, abandoned as he went straight for your belt.

"W-Wait! The teachers are having an after-school meeting! What if Ms. Ningguang comes back?!"

"Shhh, she won't, the meeting lasts till 5:00, we have an hour." Ignoring your whines of protest Scara pulled down your pants exposing the last half of your body. Taking his time he worked his fingers into you. Thoroughly making sure to press at every spot that made your moans a little louder.

It's not too soon after that the sound of a canvas stand can be heard scraping against the floor. Muffled moans being guarded by the class doors.

"Lift you're leg a little high (Y/N)" Turning to your side more you allowed one of your legs to further lift over his shoulder, causing a rough but pleasant burning stretch. He had you sideways, arms locked around your waist to support you in balance. He loved the sight he was seeing of you. Shirt wide open, body covered in the paint he drew on you, everything exposed as he rubbed his dick against your ass.

"I would have done this so much sooner if I'd known you would be this willing." Scara sighed breathily. Pushing into your already prepped hole he didn't wait long to start a brutal pace. He reveled in hearing you shriek.  For the next little while it was nothing but moans and panting. Your legs felt wobbly as Scara hit the good part of you over and over again.

"H-Holly...Scara you're, hah, gonna m-make me knock over the stand!" You heaved out, every word being swallowed by a symphony of moans. But, true to your words the wooden painting stand fell clattering to the floor and causing a loud noise to echo throughout the empty and quiet classroom. "Scara you- Ngh!"  Even with the mess that was made Scara didn't let up, kneeling and pulling you down with him to continue your session.

"You moan so quietly, I wanna hear you more." He whispered before picking up the pace again, biting at your neck.

"I c-can't. It's too embarrassing ~" You had to bite at your lip when feeling the moans he was bringing on. However, it was all over when he slammed directly into your prostate causing you to practically scream. "Wait! You- hah~ ah, ah." Laughing at your predicament Scara grunted with every thrust. 

"Holly shit your squeezing so fucking tight (Y/N)." 

"S'not my fault!" You cried out, tears of pleasure and intensity running down your face. "You need to, mmm, let up."

The fight in you slowly dissolved along with every muscle in your body. Your reason followed soon after. Paint-colored sweat ran down your body, along with many other bodily fluids. One thing's for sure, the classrooms gonna need a lot of cleaning.

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