Secret Exposed

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Today will officially be my second day in Mystic Falls. After getting some well deserved rest from yesterday's events, I woke up to a message on my phone.

A message from Elena.

She invited me to hang over at her place with her friends and family, an invite which I gladly accepted.

Maybe this would be a chance for me to meet new people and get familiar with some of the residents of this town.

The only thing I didn't like about this was the fact Stefan was invited too. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against him, it's just that he would make things akward between me and Elena .

"So, you and Elena huh?" Stefan said, making the drive to Elena's home even more akward.

"We're just friends, for now at least." I replied causing Stefan to shoot me a glare from the driver's seat.

"Come on, can't you take a joke, I was just kidding." I spoke as his facial expression softened.

"What is your relationship with her anyways?" I inquired before Stefan let out a sigh.

"It's none of your business." He responded, right before his car came to a stop in front of what I presumed to be Elena's home.

"Damon's reason for returning to Mystic Falls is Katherine Pierce, I wonder what yours is." I said before exiting his car and knocking on the front door of the house.

Stefan stood right next to me in the next millisecond as the door swung open, revealing Elena who had a bright smile on her face.

"I'm glad you two could make it." She spoke before practically pulling the both of us into her home.

"It's nice to see you too." I replied as she turned to face me before we stared deep into each other's eyes, however our moment was interrupted by Stefan fake coughing.

"Sorry about that, must be my throat." He apologized as I rolled my eyes.

"No worries." Elena said before introducing the both of us to her friends present there. 

I had my opinions about them to say the least.

Caroline seemed shallow, Bonnie was nice, Tyler was okay, Jeremy was alright, Matt... Well no comment.

Elena's aunt named Jenna was sweet but this made me wonder where Elena's parents where.

Could it be that the 'tragedy' she mentioned when we first met was the death of her parents?

If so then I would try my best not to pity her, after all that was the reason why we clicked at the grill.

Suddenly, the sound of glass shattering on the ground echoed through the house before Stefan and I rushed into the kitchen which was the source of the noise.

Thankfully, it was just Elena who had dropped a glass bowl onto the ground, nothing major.

"Are you okay?" Stefan asked before Elena nodded.

"You have a knack for doing this don't you." I teased as she rolled her eyes and smiled.

I then proceeded to help her pick up the broken pieces while Stefan eyed us from the kitchen entrance.

"You don't need to do this, I'll be able to manage on my own." Elena told me.

"It's alright Elena, it wouldn't kill me to lend a helping hand. " I replied with a smile on my face which she reciprocated.

"Thank you."

"My pleasure Ms Gilbert." I joked before she chuckled and in doing so accidentally cuts her finger with a broken pieces she tried to pick up.

Elena let out a soft groan before my eyes shot up to her bloodied finger.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I pulled out a tissue from my pocket and placed it on her finger.

"I'll be fine, don't worry about me." Elena tried to assure me before Stefan began to breath heavily.

No, don't tell me...

"Stefan...what's going on?" Elena asked with a curious but slightly scared facial expression .

"Stefan, not here, not now." I warned.

"I can't control it." He groaned out before fangs grew from his teeth and his eyes turned black.

Well, this night is turning out to be eventful.

"Stefan!?" Elena screamed out before I charged towards him and slammed him into the wall.

"GET A HOLD OVER YOURSELF!!" I exclaimed as his eyes and teeth finally reverted back to normal.

"Guys, is everything okay in there?" Jenna asked from her position in the living room.

"Everything's fine." I shouted back before turning my gaze to a terrified Elena.

"What are you!?" She asked Stefan harshly.

"Elena calm down." I advised before she turned to face me.

"Did you know about this?" She inquired while her body shook out of fear.

"I can explain, but you need to relax first." I answered as she shook her head in disbelief.

"I need some air." She stated before running out of the kitchen as I followed.

"Elena, where are you going?" Jenna queried.

"I'm just taking a walk outside." Elena replied immediately as she exited the house.

"I'll go with her to make sure she stays safe." I told Jenna as she nodded.

"I'm coming too." Stefan announced before I turned to face him.

"No you're not, you are the last person on Earth she wants to see right now, so before things get out of hand let me handle it." I ordered before exiting Elena's home.

A lot has happened in the past two days.

My first week in Mystic Falls was turning out to be... Eventful.

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