The Rescue

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"Aren't you capable of breaking free." I asked Damon.

"No, I've been weakened by vervain, there's no point trying to escape, you'll fail." He replied.

"Then what do you expect me to do, just sit here?" I questioned rhetorically.

I was never the type to give up, especially when there were lives on the line.

"Why did you even open the tomb knowing that Katherine wasn't there!?"

"Because I wanted to track her down and the only person who is capable of finding her is none other than her best friend Pearl, that is why I opened the damn tomb Y/N!" Damon exclaimed.

"Well look where your obsession with Katherine got you." I pointed out harshly.

However before Damon could even respond, the door swung open revealing Stefan with Elena standing behind him.

"Took you long enough." Damon complained as Stefan broke the chains restraining the both of us.

"I appreciate this Stefan, but tell me why on earth you actually brought Elena here!?" I queried angrily.

It was dangerous for Elena to be involved in all this vampire shenanigans, she was just an ordinary human after all.

"I'll be fine Y/N, Stefan just brought me here because he needed a human to invite him into the house." Elena explained before I let out a sigh.

"I can't say I'm not surprised you two actually managed to sneak in." Damon spoke while cracking his neck.

"There's no time for chitchat, we have to find Pearl but first Elena needs to leave, it's too dangerous." I said as Stefan nodded.

"I'll get Elena out of here and go for Pearl, however you and Damon have to deal with the rest of the vampires in this house." He stated as Damon and I nodded in agreement.

"Understood, now go!" I shouted before Stefan and Elena exited the room.

"Well Y/N, it's time we put aside our differences and make some heads roll, you up for it?" Damon queried whilst a smirk appeared on my face.

"Of course." I responded before we both sprinted out of the room to see 12 vampires all present in what seemed to be the living room.

Guess, it's time for my morning workout.

Moments later, Damon and I began taking on every and any vampire in the room.

With my vampire hunting skills and his vampiric abilities, we were unstoppable.

Only 3 minutes had passed and only 1 out of 12 vampires remained standing.

"You know maybe you're actually not that had Y/N?" Damon complimented.

"Well I could say the same for you, but the fight isn't over just yet."

"I'll handle this last vampire while you go help out my little brother." Damon suggested.

"You sure?"

"Very." He said before I ran outside of the house ready to help out only to witness Pearl laying on the ground unconscious as Stefan beat down on one of her henchmen.

Elena was currently watching the scene from behind him.

What was she still doing here?

"Stefan, that's enough." Elena pleaded as he ripped out the vampire's heart.

"Stefan?" She called out before Stefan violently grabbed her by the throat and lifted her in the air.

"STEFAN!!" I screamed out as I sprinted towards him before tackling him to the ground, causing Elena to fall to the ground.

"What is wrong with you!?" I asked while noticing his black eyes and vicious fangs.

Before I could make any more observations, Stefan grabbed me by the shirt and slammed me into a nearby tree.

"Last warning Stef." I told him as I pulled out a wooden stake from my jacket and swiftly stabbed it into his stomach.

Next, I placed wooden knuckle busters on both my hands before proceeding to mercilessly beat Stefan even as he lay on the ground.

How dare he hurt her.

"Y/N STOP!!" Elena cried out as she held back my right arm, stopping me from landing another blow.

"It's not his fault, I gave him some of my blood to strengthen him for the fight but then he went...berserk." She continued as I looked back to Stefan's barely conscious body.

"You can stop now, it's all over." Elena assured me with tears in her eyes before we hugged each other tightly.

Contrary to Elena's words, deep down inside of me, I knew that this was only the beginning...

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