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After my encounter with Elena, I decided to head back to the Salvatore home and maybe even get some rest.

Whilst I poured myself a glass of bourbon I could hear the entrance door swing open.

"It's been a while hasn't it?" I asked before turning to face none other than Katherine Pierce.

"Good to see you Y/N." She greeted with a smirk on her lips.

"Where are my two favorite Salvatore's?" She queried sarcastically whilst I let out a sigh.

"They've just left Mystic Falls with Klaus Mikaelson." I casually answered as her eyes widened.

"But Klaus is supposed to be dead unless--"

"--Stefan revived him because he needed his blood to heal Damon from a werewolf bite, a werewolf you helped create." I told her, referring to Tyler Lockwood.

"Why would he do that, he was supposed to let Damon die." Katherine spoke, seeming unable to come to terms with that fact.

"You underestimated their brotherly love for each other and now the Salvatore brothers are now forever in the debt of Klaus, our common enemy."

"Well I never really liked them anyways." Katherine announced as she walked over to me.

"Not even Stefan?"

"Someone else has peeked my interest." She spoke with a smile

"Then help me take down Klaus, for good this time." I suggested as I handed her a glass of wine.

"And how exactly do you plan to do that Mr L/N." She asked

"Well according to my research, a white oak stake would be enough to do the trick, permanently."

"You never cease to impress me." Katherine complimented before drinking the whole glass of wine in one go.

"So, up for an adventure?" I questioned with a smirk.

"Of course I am." She responded before we locked eyes intensely for what felt like hours.

"What are we Katherine?"

"...You tell me."

I couldn't understand it but I was beginning to feel a strong sense of deja vu whenever I interacted with her.

The exact same feeling I had felt towards Elena when I first met her at the grill.

"Is this even real or is it all some kind of game to you." I inquired, breaking the silence.

As much as I wanted to believe her when she said she had feelings for me, I couldn't be too sure.

She was Katherine Pierce after all.

"This is the most real emotion I've ever felt in my life." She answered, her facial expression now serious.

"Sometimes I have trouble believing it myself but I have grown... fond of you." She practically whispered before I walked over to her and gently caressed her cheek.

"Then stay with me here in Mystic Falls even after we deal with Klaus." I whispered back as her gaze dropped to my lips.

"I don't want to lose you like I did all the others."

"Katherine...I'm not leaving your side anytime soon."

A second later, our lips pressed together in a deep kiss, one that seemed to last forever.

It wasn't long before it deepened and we both lost ourselves in the moment.

"I'll take that as a yes." I announced after we broke apart, causing her to chuckle.

"Make yourself at home, Ms Pierce." I continued whilst she grinned at me.

My feelings towards Elena were that of true love, however my feelings towards Katherine felt like flames that would never die.

They were Eternal...

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