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"Shouldn't you two be out and about with your slave master Klaus?" I queried with a smirk.

"I think you and I both know the reason why we're here." Stefan answered whilst folding his arms

"We know you've been keeping tabs on us." He continued as I let out a sigh.

"So what, you're here to kill me?" I questioned.

"Well actually, yes." Damon responded coldly.

"We can't allow any potential threats to Klaus carry on living now can we?" Damon spoke before his eyes turned pitch black.


This encounter was bound to happen sooner or later, guess tonight will be a day to remember.

A mere second passed before Damon sprinted towards me in the blink of an eye and violently tackled me to the ground.

"Come on now Damon, you should know better than to pick a fight with me." I told him while impaling his lower stomach with a wooden stake I pulled out from my pockets.

"Still sneaky as ever L/N." Damon groaned out as I head-butted his face before throwing his body off of me and onto the ground.

"There's no point trying to put up a fight Y/N, your only making things worse." Stefan said as I shook my head dismissively.

"Today's Elena's birthday just in case you forgot, I don't plan on dying anytime soon Stefan." I responded.

"You think this doesn't hurt me, being away from her!!" Stefan exclaimed.

"You had your chance and you screwed it!" I retorted as fangs grew from his teeth.

"Yeah...guess you're right, it's time to end this rivalry of ours don't you think?" He asked before dashing over to me and sinking his fangs into my neck.

Immediately after this he screamed out in pain and stepped away from me hurriedly.

"You seriously thought that I wouldn't have consumed vervain, come on Stef."  I mocked before pulling out a gun and shooting two wooden bullets into Stefan's body, causing him to fall to the ground in pain.

"I never wanted to kill you Stefan, but if it means protecting the two people I hold most dear to my heart, than I would gladly do so." I revealed as I pointed the gun at Stefan's chest.

"You're talking about Katherine and Elena, aren't you?" Damon questioned from behind me.

"Is it that obvious?" I asked whilst Damon threw me a right hook, one that I managed to block before jabbing him in the face with wooden knuckle busters placed on my right hand.

"Katherine, she's playing you can't you see that!?"

"Jealous much?" I inquired as I pulled out a vervain grenade and launched it into Damon's face.

"Arrghhh!!" He screamed out before Stefan grabbed me from behind and threw me into a nearby pawn shop, fracturing a few bones.

"I've had just enough of you!" Damon exclaimed while he and Stefan walked towards me.

"I could say the same to you." I replied whilst chuckling right before both the Salvatore brothers began to suddenly scream out in pain.

Moments later they both dropped to the ground motionless as Bonnie Bennett stood behind them with her hands raised in the air.

"You're late to the party Ms Bennet." I stated as I got back up on my feet.

"I'm sorry, I tried to get here as soon as I can." Bonnie apologized, referring to the plan we had discussed earlier.

You see, I had feeling that the Salvatore's would eventually confront me about secretly keeping watch over them.

Fortunately, I had guessed that would be today.

If Stefan and Damon managed to kill me, my dead body would be Klaus's twisted way of wishing Elena happy birthday so I talked to Bonnie about it and she agreed to follow me closely throughout the day to act as protection if you will.

"Looks to me like you could've handled them both on your own." Bonnie told me as a smile appeared on my face.

"I know, but having a Bennet on my side is much less time consuming." I admitted, causing her to roll her eyes.

Within the next couple of minutes Bonnie and I headed back to the Salvatore home (more like my home now) with Damon and Stefan in our possession.

"The basement downstairs will do." I announced just as Elena arrived downstairs teary eyed.

"Is that?--

"--Unconscious Stefan and Damon, yeah, I told you I'd get them back." I reminded her before she ran to me and hugged me tightly after I placed the two body sacks I held on the ground.

"Thank you so much." She thanked as her grip on me tightened.

"Well, Bonnie was a great help too, wouldn't have done it without her." I admitted before Elena hugged Bonnie next.

"Happy birthday Elena." I whispered under my breath as a new sense of relief washed over me.

Truth be told, this was actually no time to be celebrating. We basically just kidnapped two of Klaus most loyal lackeys so it's only a matter of time before he comes knocking on our front door.

However I'll allow myself to be happy...just for tonight.

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