Katherine Pierce

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"Y/N, Y/N L/N." I introduced myself before gently lifting her hand and placing a kiss on it, much to her liking.

"Interesting." She said as both our eyes met and locked intensely.

There's something about her...

"Where have you been all these years." Damon asked still seeming shocked that she was actually here.

"I've been busy." She replied coldly, still keeping her gaze on me right as a smirk reappeared on her lips.

"Why now?" Damon questioned curiously. "Why return to Mystic Falls now after all these years."

"Well, for the past century I've been trying to get hold of the Moonstone, I've fought many people and dealt with many rivals to achieve what I did today." She explained.

"Hate to burst your bubble Ms Pierce, but Damon and I won't let you leave here with the Moonstone in your possession." I told her before she chuckled and walked towards Damon.

"You sure about that?" Katherine queried with a devious smirk as she ran her hand down Damon's chest.

"Katherine... Let's run away, away from Mystic Falls and all the problems it has to offer, we can be together, just the two of us..." Damon pleaded before Katherine's facial expression surprisingly softened.

"Damon... It's always going to be Stefan, he's the better man." She revealed while withdrawing her hand from his chest.

"But we loved each other, you and I." Damon responded, unable to accept what he just heard.

"I never loved you, I was just using you for my own benefit just like I did with Mason over here." She said referring to Mason's lifeless body on the ground.

"OK, enough chitchat, where's the Moonstone." I demanded as both our eyes met once more.

"Handsome and straight to the point, I'm starting to like you." Katherine stated right before Damon dashed over to her and violently slammed her into the nearby wall.

"NO MORE GAMES KATHERINE!!" He exclaimed which only seemed to amuse her.

"It's a shame, I love a good game." She replied while smirking before grabbing him and throwing his body across the room towards me.

Fortunately, I dodged Damon's body and pulled out a stake from my lounge coat, ready to fight.

"Good reflexes." Katherine complimented before I ran towards her and swiftly thrust the stake towards her with the intention of staking her heart.

However, she managed to catch it but not before it already pierced her skin.

"I underestimated you Y/N, you might have actually killed me if you applied more force to that throw, which tells me you're holding back." Katherine spoke as Damon got back up on his feet.

"Thanks for the flattery, but we both know that killing you wouldn't be that easy." I told her whilst she smiled at me.

"If you're smart enough to understand that then I believe you're smart enough to know you and Damon can't win, so I'm proposing a deal." Katherine said.

"A deal? Is this another one of your games." Damon retorted.

"I'm serious, if I wanted it, I would've already killed the both you."

"So what is this deal of your's?" I asked.

"For over 500 years I've been running..." Katherine spoke.

"Running from what exactly?"

"A vampire... A man named Klaus Mikaelson, he's been after me practically ever since I became a vamp, and the Moonstone is something of great value I can trade to him for my freedom." 

"What would he want with the Moonstone?" Damon inquired, still seeming hurt from Katherine's confession about never loving him.

"Klaus is a hybrid, but he's werewolf side is dormant, an issue only the Moonstone can fix." She continued.

"But if he becomes a true hybrid he might be unstoppable, and we can't have that since he can potentially side against any of us one day, including you." I added as Katherine nodded.

" So tomorrow night, as I trade Klaus the Moonstone--"

"--You want us to pull off a surprise attack and kill him." Damon finished.

"Exactly, but he's not just a hybrid, he's an original, one of the first ever vampires to exist, so to kill him you're going to need this. " She stated before pulling up her black dress, revealing a dagger sheath wrapped on her upper thigh.

Katherine then proceeded to remove the weapon from it's sheath and throw it at me.

"You sure this will do." I queried as I caught the dagger in my hands.

"No doubt about it." She replied before walking towards the room exit.

"I'll be meeting Klaus in front of the Clock Tower tomorrow at 11 pm sharp so don't be late..
Oh and tell Stefan I said hello. " Katherine greeted goodbye, clearly mocking Damon.

"Try and stay alive till our next encounter, it'd be a shame to never see you again." She whispered into my ear, leaving me left to ponder on the conversation we just had.

Honestly, she was something else. Every time I look into her eyes, I feel a familiar feeling rise up from within me.

Feelings I had felt only towards Elena...

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