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After what happened at Pearl's place we all made it back to the Salvatore's home in one piece, well most of us anyway...

Things were heated between Stefan and I, especially after our violent encounter.

He was currently in his room which I made my way into, intending to sort things out between us.

"So Stefan, why didn't you tell me that Damon freed his tomb friends?" I asked while leaning on the door frame.

"Aren't you supposed to be in the living room helping Damon and Elena interrogate Pearl?" He retorted before I let out a sigh.

"Things have been quite... awkward between you and I and I'm here to solve that problem."

"I'm afraid that problem can't be solved." Stefan spoke before turning to face me.

"Why not?"

"Because it seems as if you aren't leaving Mystic Falls anytime soon." Stefan replied as my brows raised in offense.

"So this is about me staying in Mystic Falls?"

"No... It's about you getting too close to Elena." He finally admitted.

"Oh really now?" I inquired "Well you could've just told me you were jealous from the start." I said with a smirk on my face before Stefan dashed over to me and slammed my body onto the wall.

"Say that again!" He threatened right as Elena entered the room, causing him to back down.

"Damon's asking for the both of you, he needs your help with Pearl..." She said while eyeing the both of us skeptically.

"We'll be right there." I replied before flashing her an assuring smile, letting her know that everything was okay.

Moments later all three of us made our way downstairs where Pearl was being kept.

She was currently tied to a chair by ropes wet with vervain which meant that she couldn't escape.

"Come on Pearl just tell us where Katherine is along with how she plans to get the Moonstone and maybe we won't kill you." Damon pleaded as Pearl just looked at him coldly.

"Why would I do that?" She asked nonchalantly.

"Because if Katherine Pierce is anything like I was told she was, you're a dead woman anyway, do you really think that she'll let you live after she's done using you?" I chimed in.

"Y/N's right, you might as well tell us about Katherine so that we can get her out both of our lives."

"What's in it for me?" Pearl queried.

"Freedom, from Katherine, if you tell us what we need to know we'll be able to end her." I assured before she let out a sigh.

"What makes you think that you can kill Katherine Pierce, after all you did lose to just two vampires earlier today or have you already forgotten?" Pearl mocked.

"The only reason why you and your vampire beat me was simply because you caught me off guard, it won't happen again, besides I won't be alone this time." I explained before Pearl finally gave in.

"Fine then...Katherine plans to get hold of the Moonstone tomorrow night during a masquerade ball which will be taking place in the Lockwood mansion." She revealed.

"Who will she get the Moonstone from?" Damon inquired.

"A man named Mason Lockwood, Katherine probably expects you all to be dead, so you have the element of surprise." Pearl added as I nodded.

"Now, I think it's time you let me go, I've told you everything you needed to know." She continued as Damon chuckled with a menacing smirk.

Here we go.

"Did you really think that we'd let you go, well then, it really sucks to be you." Damon spoke before pulling out a stake from within his leather jacket and stabbing it right into Pearl's heart, killing her instantly.

"Damon!" Elena shouted as Stefan attempted to hold her back.

"It needed to be done Elena, who knows if she'll double cross us and tell Katherine that we're alive." Damon justified as I let out a sigh, knowing that he was right.

"So, what's the plan?" Stefan asked.

"Damon and I go to the Masquerade ball tomorrow and get the Moonstone from Mason before Katherine does." I responded.

"I have to come with, you're going to need all the help you can get." Stefan said before Damon shook his head dismissively.

"I don't think so little brother, after your little... performance today, you've clearly shown how unstable you can be towards human beings." Damon stated.

"I'll be fine, trust me." Stefan pleaded.

"I don't think so, you're going to have to sit this one out." I told him before he glared at me and left the room.

"I'll go talk some sense to him." Damon said before following his brother upstairs, leaving Elena and I alone together.

"Are you okay after what happened with Stefan?" I asked her.

"Yeah I'm fine, you don't need to worry... You know he didn't mean to hurt me." Elena said before I sighed as a response.

"It doesn't change the fact that he did." I replied whilst I walked closer to her.

"I know but he's a vampire it's who he is..." Elena defended as I stroked a strand of her hair, causing her breathing to speed up.

"And who am I to you?" I questioned as her eyes darted to my lips.

"I... I don't know." She admitted before we locked eyes intently for what felt like blissful eternity.

"You should probably head home, I'm sure it's been a long day for you." I advised as she nodded and motioned to leave.

"Y/N, promise me you'll be careful tomorrow." Elena said after stopping in her tracks.

"Promise." I vowed before a smile appeared on her face.

I would do anything to keep that smile on her face and right now in order to do that I need to get hold of the Moonstone before Katherine does.

Whatever it takes...

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