First Encounter

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My chat with Stefan and Damon was a short one, after some debating they ultimately decided to let me stay at their home for the time being.

This was good news for me however thanks to my earlier encounter with Damon I already began to feel slightly unwelcome.

Despite all this I had a feeling that Mystic Falls was the place I needed to be in with the Salvatore's.

They would probably warm up to me right?

I chuckled at this thought as I walked towards the town grill. I wanted to explore Mystic Falls for myself and decide whether or not it lived up to the hype my grandfather made it up to be.

Now that I think about it, he really could never stop talking about it, it probably felt like home to him.

I wonder why he left, most likely because he wanted to start a life with grandma but I guess we'll never know.

The grill was teeming with tons of people as I made my way through the crowd and towards a vacant table.

Was the place always this busy?

I shoved this thought to the back of my mind considering that I didn't really care much but before I could think about anything else, a beautiful girl who seemed around my age bumped into me, spilling her drink on my outfit.

"I'm so sorry." She apologized with a worried facial expression before we both crouched to the ground to sort out the broken pieces of glass.

"It's alright, I have better outfits at home." I joked before she chuckled and looked back up at me.

Have I seen her before?

"If there's anything I could do to help, I would be willing." She told me as she tucked a strand of her dark brown hair behind her ear.

"Anything?" I reiterated whilst we tidied up the broken pieces of glass and stood up shortly after.

"Well you could pay for the lunch I'll be having today." I suggested, making sure to not miss an opportunity to save my money.

"Sure thing..." She trailed off, not knowing my name.

"Y/N, Y/N L/N. " I introduced before she stretched out her hand for a handshake.

"Elena Gilbert, nice to meet you, and once again I'm so sorry about your clothes." She apologized once again as I chuckled and shook my head.

"There are more important things in life to worry about." I assured her before she eyed me curiously.

I swear, I can't tell from where, but I know that face...

"I haven't seen you around before, you're new here aren't you?" She asked.

"Yeah, I just arrived at Mystic Falls a few hours ago." I replied.

"Oh really, what brings you to this town?"

"Well, I came here to meet some distant relatives of mine, the Salvatore's actually." I explained before her eyes widened with shock.

"The Salvatore's, as in Stefan Salvatore!?" She queried

"Yeah, you know him?"

"Yes, I met him a week ago, him and I are... fond of each other." She told me.

"Oh really, Stefan never told me he had a girlfriend." I teased before she chuckled and blushed.

"We're not exactly a couple."

"Now that is a great topic to discuss over lunch." I said before we both laughed.

Moments later, after the staff at the grill took care of the broken pieces of glass, Elena and I ordered some food while we sat at the nearest table.

After lunch had finally arrived we talked to each other for about an hour or so before we both decided to part ways for the day.

"Till we meet again Elena." I said as I stood up from the table and motioned to leave.

"Y/N wait!" She shouted, stopping me in my tracks whilst I turned to face her.

"Thank you, for today... I needed someone to talk to that didn't know about... A tragedy that recently occurred in my life." She spoke in a soft voice with pain evident in her eyes.

"It was a pleasure, if you need anyone to talk to about anything, you now have me." I replied before we exchanged numbers.

"Stefan must be a really lucky guy." I complimented as she giggled and smiled.

"I've gotta get going but till next time, Y/N." She stated before exiting the grill, leaving me to ponder on the conversation we just had.

She's a nice girl, Elena.

Even though I only met her today, I felt a strong resolve to protect her well up from inside of me. Protect her from anything dangerous this town had to offer.

More specifically, vampires and werewolves, even if that included Stefan and Damon.

After all, I'm something of a vampire hunter myself.

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