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"Garcia plays the video, " Hotch said."But, it's not pretty, " Garcia stammered."Garcia, play it, " Hotch said firmly. Garcia sighed, and  a video came up on the screen it was a freeze frame. Maddie was tied to a chair looking wide-eyed into the camera. We pressed play. "This is a message to your team, say hi to them." he walked in front of the camera, then he hit her across the face with his gun. I could tell she was trying not to scream in pain. I felt Emily move beside me she turned away from the screen, and JJ gasped. He then pulled out a knife, turned to the camera, and smiled at it. Then he raised his arm  and stabbed her in the shoulder she yelled in pain he pulled the knife out stabbing her again in the stomach. Maddie was gasping in pain  as Matt turned to the camera and smiled at it, saying, " You're never going to find her body." The video ended there we all sat paralyzed in shock when Garcia gasped on the other end of the call "guys, you know his dead girlfriend well she had a small house that she gave to Matt, I'm sending you the address now". We all got into a car and went to the address.

Maddie's POV

My head felt heavy as blood soaked my clothes. Matt walked over to me smiling "does that feel good?" He asked poking my shoulder. I yelled in pain."You're not going to get away with this!" I yelled,"haven't I already? " he said, punching me in the face. I heard distant sirens. Matt looked up from me as car doors slammed. Matt panicked, took his knife out, and pressed it into my neck as the door was barged down. "FBI hands in the air!" Hotch yelled as he entered, Hotch's eyes scanned the room landing on me "Come any closer and she dies!" Matt yelled as everyone entered the room gun's raised. Matt dug the knife into my neck, I was bleeding out from my wounds, I was slipping in and out of consciousness. Morgan stepped forward "let her go Matt, do the right thing" Morgan said Matt laughed "it's to late anyway, I can't turn back now she's my only way out" he said digging the knife more into my neck. I coughed up some blood, my vision was starting to blur my head falling to the side. Spencer spoke now his gun raised "let her go now or she'll bleed out, and that won't help you" Matt shifted slightly as I coughed more blood darker this time. I heard a shot go off and Matt fell to the floor with a thud. Spencer ran to me as Emily checked Matt. Spencer untied me I fell into his arms he laid me on the floor he put pressure on my wounds "Maddie keep you're eyes open, look at me" Spencer said pressing a hand to my face "Spencer.." I said as I coughed again my blood even darker "where are the medic?! I'm losing her!" Spencer yelled putting more pressure on my wounds. The medic's ran in Spencer backed away from me as I slipped out of conciseness. 

Spencer's POV

Maddie was rushed into emergency surgery. I was pacing back and forth in the waiting room I knew I was still covered in blood but I couldn't bring myself to wash it off. I was pacing until Morgan came and but a hand on my shoulder pushing me into the bathroom "thanks" I mumbled to him he nodded I started to wash all the blood off. I walked back into the waiting room sitting down. A doctor walked in and looked around "Maddie Wood?" he asked all I could do was wish for good news.

Broken (Spencer Reid)Where stories live. Discover now