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Spencer's POV

I walked into the station pulling out my phone and dialing Maddie but it went to voice mail. I frowned looking at my phone "What's wrong genius?" Morgan asked me sitting down next to me "Maddie didn't answer her phone" I said putting my phone on the table "Well maybe she turned it off" Morgan said opening the file "Yeah maybe, but she ever turns her phone off when I'm away" I sighed picking my phone again. I looked to see I had a missed call from Maddie. I sat up listening to it "Hey Spence I just got home from home from my appointment and they told us the gender so um.. call me back ok well bye love you" with a little chuckle that made my heart flutter. Then I realized "why would she tell me to call her back then turn her phone off?" I say stressing Morgan looked at me "okay genius, calm down I'll call Garcia and get her to go to you're place and check on Maddie" Morgan said I nodded my nerves slightly tempered but not really.

I was sitting looking through the case file when Morgan came in looking at me "Reid we have to go, Garcia can't find Maddie. There are signs of a struggle" I stood up running to the SUV.  Morgan put Garcia on speaker "I can't find her do you think she's ok?" Garcia said frantically. Nerves coursed through me as a tear fell down my face.

Maddie POV

I woke to my world spinning. Rusty chains dug into my wrists holding them above my head. I heard a door open and footsteps approach. I forced my eyes open, I was in a dimly lit basement. Bryan walked in front of me "hey sis, it's good to see you" he said smiling at me "please just let me go, for my baby please" I said my voice trembling slightly. He laughed "oh that's not happening. You should've died that night with mom, and now where gonna right some wrongs" He said chuckling. Bryan turned around grabbed a knife from a table behind him, walking toward me he put the knife to my wrist "Please don't I'll do anything.. please" I said tears running down my cheeks. He slowly dug the knife into my wrist dragging it down my arm. I cried out in pain "Please Bryan. Please stop" My vision was blurred by a waterfall of tears, pain coursed through my body as he dug the knife further and twisted it "Sweet Maddie so breakable..." he was interrupted by a door slamming open Josh ran in "what the hell are you doing? Why are you hurting her?" He yelled pushing Bryan away from me the knife clattered to the ground. Josh throwing Bryan on the wall "come on man she deserved it!" Josh pulled out a gun from his back pocket, pointed it at Bryan and shot.

  He landed to the ground motionless I gasped as blood splattered on my face "Oh my god, did you just.." I said my voice cracking. Josh walked behind me and I heard a lever the chains holding me up fell down, the rusty chains cut into my wrists. Josh walked up and crouched down beside me and grabbed my wrist and checked the cuts "Oh baby what did he do to you? How about I bandage you up?" he said cupping my face I tried to pull away and he frowned. He let go of my wrist slapping my face I whimpered "That's not behavior I want to see from you. From here on out you're gonna behave are we clear?" he said angrily I gave a few weak nods. He walked to the table coming back with another syringe "why don't you go to sleep while I bandage you up" he said crouching beside me bringing the needle to my arm "please don't" I said as he injected my arm and everything went black.

I woke up tied to a chair, with bandages around my arm. Josh was crouching Infront of me "Hi baby its good to see you awake" he said cupping my face it stung slightly from the nasty bruise left on my face "you son of a bitch let me go! I never did anything to you!" I yelled whipping my face of of his grip "I won't let you go, where gonna live a long happy life together. Well unless you get to difficult. Then things might change" he said chuckling slightly "I would rather die then live a long happy life with you!" I yelled he turned to me anger flashing on his face I'd dated him long enough to know what was coming, I braced but it didn't help the pain when his connected with my lip. 

After that Josh had walked out leaving me with a bloody split lip. He walked back in looking much calmer almost sorry always that face that pulled me back in that made me tell myself it would be different this time. That made me convince myself he had changed. He never had. Josh walked up to me inspecting my lip "sorry about that, but you where getting a little to mouthy" he said his voice slightly gruff "If I we're to complain about a split lip I wouldn't've lasted 2 seconds with you" I said a tear falling down my cheek. The lies I had told. The bruises I had covered up. The mental toll. The pain. The kind that only revealed itself in hindsight.  Just then I realized josh had a camera, my eyes fell on it Josh smiled "where gonna do a little photo shoot for lover boy" he said setting it down Infront of me "say cheese" he said taking a photo before I could even comprehend what was happening. He left to print the photos. 

He came back about 30 minutes later. He had the photos smiling he looked at me I caught a glimpse of the photos I looked beaten and pale it would worry Spencer so much. Of course that was the goal. He came up to me "Hey do you like you're photos?" he asked smiling at me "he's not gonna fall for that" I said, knowing it would it would scatter his thoughts making him useless to the team Josh laughed "oh I think it will, see I think that these will break lover boy, then you'll see how pathetic he is. And how lucky you are that I saved you, see lucky you are that you have a real man to deal with you know" he said grabbing my uninjured arm grabbing a knife he cut into my flesh like butter drawing blood. He grabbed the photo dipping it in my blood "sorry about that, first of all I can't have you talking to me like that. But also I think it's a nice touch don't you?" he said laughing lightly an evil laugh. I was trying to stifle a whimper of pain. He smiled seeing my face "well now it's you're turn to do something. I'm gonna give you a pen and your gonna write on the back Goodbye. Are we clear just that or I'm gonna have to hurt you and I don't want to hurt you" he said handing me a pen. and I wrote Goodbye in the blood red pen tears falling on the page hopping it wouldn't be goodbye. 

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