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The next day it was back to the office. Spencer was staying home he needed more time to recover but I was good to go. It was only 5:00 am but I was already at the office Morgan glanced at me as I sat down  "did you sleep at all last night?" He asked as I rubbed my eyes sighed sitting down "not really but I'm fine" I told him as I sat down at my desk. I had something to look forward to it was Spencer's birthday in a couple days, I had planned him a party with the whole team there. I think he's going to like it, I'm nervous for it I planned to tell him I was pregnant on his birthday maybe like one last gift? Or who knows maybe he'll break up with me on the spot, I doubt that Spencer doesn't seem like other guys I've dated he seems nice.

I it's the end of the day now and I'm packing all my stuff when my phone rings. I glance at the caller ID a habit I had picked up recently it was Spencer I answered "hey Spence I'm just coming home now" I said walking out the door into the parking lot "cool do you want pizza tonight cause I was thinking of ordering some" I think about it for a beat "yeah pizza sounds great, I'll pick it up on my way" I said going into my car "okay that sounds perfect see you in a little, bye" I get into my car saying "okay bye" hanging up the phone.

I get home pizza in hand "hey I'm home" I say into the house "in the kitchen!" Spencer yells in reply I walk in to see him in the kitchen "I got the pizza, before we eat I'm going to change" I said putting the pizza on the counter I changed then stopped to think. I walked to the drawer in my bedside table and took out a small present. I nervously took it I was going to give it to him on his birthday but why not now. I picked up the present then walked downstairs Spencer was sitting on the couch the box of pizza on the coffee table "hey" I nervously said as I sat down next to him "Hi what's wrong?" He asked as I sat "umm it's nothing, I got you an early birthday present" I told him taking the box out from behind my back. I handed it to him and he carefully opened it inside there was only one thing he slowly opened the box and his mouth dropped as he saw what was inside he slowly pulled out the positive pregnancy test from the box "where having a baby?" Spencer asked looking at me I nod and he pulls me into a hug. He pulls back looking my face "why are you crying?" he asks wiping a tear that I didn't realize I had from my face "I'm just happy you're happy" I said stroking his face "did you think I wouldn't be?" he asks searching my face "I don't know, I mean it's so much, and with our job it's gonna be so hard" I say more tears falling down my face "I'm so happy, happy that you're in my life happy that where going to have another member" he says smiling at me I smile back this went better then I could have ever hoped. 

I watched Spencer walk out I had sent him for milk for dinner tonight, he said anything was fine but I already new what I was going to make my pasta was Spencer's favorite. I pulled my phone out dialing JJ "JJ you can come now he just left" I said into the phone when JJ answered "okay I'm on my way with Emily and the kids now" JJ said everyone was coming I had a party planned for Spencer. 

Everyone got here and they helped me set up, we where all waiting around when I heard keys turn. I went to the door to see Spencer "hey, come to the living room" he saw everyone in the living room and smiled "what did you do Maddie?" he asked me giving me a playful grin "I don't know what did I do?" I asked giving him a cheeky grin he laughed and so did I hugged him "hey guys did you forget that you have an audience?" JJ asked and we shot apart my cheeks where on fire. We started to play charades and it was interesting I was definitely never going to pick Gideon as a teammate again he was terrible but he was funny we opened some wine for everyone else "you're not having wine Maddie?" Morgan asked me as I waved the glass he offered me away I looked at Spencer everyone else was looking at us all the girl's where grinning at me "actually I'm pregnant" I said to them smiling "oh, well congrat's you kids deserve it" Morgan said hugging me "thanks it's gonna be a big step for us" I said moving to Spencer wrapping my arm around him. 

once everyone left I cleaned up and lost the battle of getting Spencer not to clean so we cleaned together then went upstairs "goodnight Spence I hope you had a nice birthday" I told him getting under the cover's "I had a great birthday you had the best gift you know" he said turning to me kissing me gently, I had given him the book he wanted which was pretty boring so I had also gotten him a new bag like the one he always had because his old one was falling apart. we snuggled up and I fell asleep arm draped on Spencer's chest feeling his hot breath on my neck.

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