Die Trying

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Spencer's POV

I had been back at Quantico for almost a day. No one admitted it but we had nothing. No one was really talking to me, thank god for that because I couldn't've handled conversation even if I wanted to. I was getting up to get more coffee when someone from the reception walked in "Dr Reid this was left at the front for you, we haven't opened it yet" the lady said handing it to me I said my thanks. I looked it over just a manilla folder with Dr Reid written messily on it. I set it on my desk getting coffee. I walked to the coffee table to see Morgan standing there, great he wouldn't let me leave without talking. I poured my coffee and Morgan noticed me sighing "Hey kid how you holding up?" he asked looking at me like I might snap in half I grunted "I've been better" I mumbled trying to walk away but he grabbed my arm "you know I'm here if you want to talk about it" he said sighing as I ripped my hand from his grip "yeah I know, thanks" I mumbled walking to my desk.

I grabbed the folder not even bothering to sit down. I opened it seeing a photo of Maddie she looked beaten pale and half dead. I dropped my coffee drawing everyone's attention Morgan turned form his desk to look at me "Reid?" he asked worry and confusion lacing his voice. He walked over as I crumpled into my seat. the pictures edges where covered in what had to be blood. Morgan gasped when he realized what I was holding "Holy shit' he said gasping. I turned it over and what I saw made it impossible for me to hold back my tears in Maddie's perfect neat handwriting with blood red ink was written Goodbye. 

I was in the bathroom sitting on the floor I pulled out my phone going to the voicemail from Maddie. I played it "Hey Spence I just got home from home from my appointment and they told us the gender" The door came open Morgan was standing in the doorway stooping  when he saw me "so um.. call me back ok well bye love you" the message finished Morgan looked at me "Hey where having a meeting you should come" he said I nodded putting my phone away.

We where going over the case "He's possessive. Goodbye insinuates that he owns her that she's his now. It could be romantic"  Emily said glancing at me. It dawned on me "Oh my god it's Josh" I said my eyes widening the other's looked confused "who's Josh?" Hotch asked me "Josh is Maddie's ex boyfriend, she was with him for 4 years" I said sure it was him "how come we never heard about him?" Emily asked I sighed "Josh abused Maddie" I said pulling off the band aid. 

We started looking into Josh "Garcia does Josh have any properties?" Hotch asked we heard furious typing "Bingo, Josh inherited a small country house from his uncle, it has a basement" she said we all looked at each other "Reid are you sure you should come?" Hotch asked me I almost laughed "do you really want to waste time on this, you know I'm not staying" I told him he nodded knowing it wasn't worth the time it would waste "it was worth a try" Morgan mumbled. We got into the SUV's driving to the address Garcia sent us. To where Maddie was. We where going to save her. Or die trying.

Broken (Spencer Reid)Where stories live. Discover now