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11st February 2018

[12:24 PM]

"Yah! I can't believe your sister is dating your crush. That's ridiculous!", Humi growled in anger.

You replied nothing.

"Yah! Y/n-aa, do you really like him?" Humi asked.

You just slowly nodded and Humi gasped.

"Y/n-aa, it's okay girl. You'll get over him by time." Humi sighed.

You pressed your lips tightly. You knew you could not get over him this easily.

"Why do you like him tough?" Humi suddenly asked.

"Well, you see—" , You gulped nervously. "—It was few days ago when I on my way back to home from school. I was walking over a bridge when my eyes suddenly landed on sir down the lane and he was making a small tent kind of thing. I didn't understood what he was trying to make at first but when he was done making a tent sort of thing with plastic sheets, woods and leaves, he opened a box which was kept not too far from him and few puppies and a mother dog came out of it. Then I figured out he was actually making a shelter for them. Because those animals were homeless. He looked so happy, when he was feeding those puppies. He looked satisfied now that those tiny beings got a place to stay. The other day I asked him about it and he simply said that making others happy is something that brings joy to him. I was so moved by his kind nature. He was selfless and giving. I guess that's what made me develop a soft corner for him." You said with a proud smile.

"Woah! That's a long story. Well, let's visit those puppies together after school, y/n!" Humi exclaimed with excitement.

You laughed. "Sure."

Author's note

Double updates  ;))

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