twenty eight

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23th March, 2028

[09:55 PM]

Incoming video call from 'Anna'
03:16 pm

Recive / Decline

"Hey, Y/n!" Anna's face flashed on the screen.

"Hey." I replied, with a poker face.

Her expressions fell. "Everything fine, little sis?"

I blinked, giving her fake assurance. "Yep, all is well, what about you?"

"I'm doing great." She flashed a grin.

"Where's Namjoon and mum?" I asked.

"Oh, they just went for some grocery shopping."

"That's great," I replied, forcing myself a smile. "what are you doing?"

"I'm on my sofa, munching a waffle." She shrugged, "what about you?" she shot me a question, I was trying to avoid.

"I-I well was cooking." I lied.

"Oh, what were you cooking?"

"Stop being so nosy, it was nothing special.", I replied, looking away from the screen.

"I know," She huffed, "go and feed yourself a proper meal or something." and shot me a death glare.

I hesitated. "I don't have an appetite actually. . ."

She rolled her eyes. "You sure do, now go and eat before I get you a nice scolding from mum. And don't you dare to lie to me."

I gave up and shook my head in defeat. "I actually had something to ask you about."

"Okay, go on.", she looked excited.

"How did you managed to date so many guys?", I somehow managed to ask.

She choked on her coke. "Huh, sorry what?"

"I mean, how do you realise it's the right one? For example you ended up with Namjoon after dumping a guy like Jungkook, just how do you do that!?"

Anna's expressions bewildered. "The Jungkook you're referring here is the one who used to teach you, my senior in short?"

"Mmm" I nodded.

"Wait what the actual fvck dude," Anna snarled right away, I shook my head. "what you mean by after dumping Jungkook?"

"What?" I mumbled, sensing something messed up coming.

"Yah! Kim Y/n, don't tell me you thought that I used to date Jungkook during my college days?"

"I don't think, Anna." I said, feeling somewhat confused. "I'm sure of it."

"Yah, you really are nuts you know." Anna growled. "Why in the world would I date my senior from college!"

"Em, so you both never really dated?"

"Yah, idiot why would we date, he was my senior plus he is not even my type." She rolled her eyes.

"Shut up." I huffed. "Don't you lie to me, if you both weren't a thing then what were you doing inside his hostel's room!"

"What? Oh, wait—" Anna paused, then sighed and continued. "Yah! He was helping me out with my assignment, back then, it was nothing more than that. Plus, he told me he already had someone he likes."

My eyes grew bigger, "What!" I growled, "He told you that he liked someone, whom exactly?"

"He definitely didn't told me her name, but instead said something weird."

"Huh? What, tell me c'mon!"

"He said if I would know the name then I will get him arrested." She sighed. "It still feels weird, when I think of his words."

"Why would he say that?"

"I don't know, maybe his love was forbidden or something," She then chuckled. "Hey, but I hope he's together with her now, because back then it seemed as if he liked that mystery girl a lot."

"Oh, I see." I felt flustered.

"Well, when are you coming to Seoul, we're all missing you a lot!"

"I don't know. . ."

"Oh, c'mon y/n-aa! Visit us, soon."

"Okay I'll get going then!" I tried to cut the call.

"But hey didn't you said it's your off today?" She shuttered. "Yah! Y/n-aaahhhh-"


I put my phone on the other side of the bed and spread my arms and legs widely on the bed. I felt so ashamed of myself for believing Jungkook dating my sister from all these years. I knew that I needed a closure from him, about everything that has happened in the past but still I didn't wanted to face him fearing that what if I am not the girl he liked. So, instead of overthinking about the given situation, I buried my head on a pillow and closed my eyes tightly to get myself a good sleep.

But I couldn't,

Because he's leaving tomorrow. . .

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