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wooyoung inhales sharply as he slowly steps through the university's doors

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wooyoung inhales sharply as he slowly steps through the university's doors. he's greeted by the incomprehensible sounds of students chatting excitedly with themselves, making the entrance hall feel more like a zoo than a university. wooyoung braces himself for the chaos that was to be his orientation as he walks towards the lecture hall.

as he pushes himself through the crowd in the hallway he finally steps foot inside of the large room where the orientation would take place.

from where he stood in the doorway, he could tell that the lecture hall was huge. there were rows and rows of chairs cascading down like stairs. at the very back of the room stood a large stage where he could see some of the professors talking amongst themselves.

the entire room was full of excited students ready to start their first year in university, almost every chair was taken.

wooyoung glanced around the room, trying to find yeosang, who had promised to meet him outside but had gotten carried away by a bunch of other students. giving up, wooyoung pulled out his phone and wrote a quick message to his best friend telling him where he was going to be sitting.

the back left corner of the room was pretty empty, only a couple of students were sitting there.

as wooyoung walked towards the place he set his eyes on he could feel people around him staring at him. it's not like he wasn't used to it though. wooyoung was pretty well known for being the perfect poster child. he was from a rich family, had perfect grades, and was respectful to his elders. every parent at his high school would tell their children to be more like wooyoung.

as he pushed further through the crowd and approached the back left corner, he crashed into someone going the same way, causing his bag to fall to the ground helplessly.

"oh my god, i'm so sorry are you okay?" the person's voice was smooth and comforting.

wooyoung glanced up as he picked his backpack up from its place on the floor.

holy shit he's gorgeous.

wooyoung just stared. this was probably the most attractive man that he had ever seen in his entire twenty years of living. the man looked to be a little taller than wooyoung. he had slightly slicked back bleached blonde hair, a few strands falling into his eyes. there was a slit in one of his eyebrows, which looked strangely good. the man had the most beautiful eyes, which seemed to sparkle, and deep dimples that appeared whenever he talked. wooyoung was in awe.

the man bowed to wooyoung and hurried away, looking a bit scared.

oh shit.

wooyoung had just stared at him. yeosang had always been sure to tell wooyoung not to stare, cause it always looked more like a glare.

whatever. it's not like i'm going to ever talk to him anyway.

parents may like wooyoung but the kids did not. wooyoung was a stuck up spoiled brat. he always got anything that he wanted and was perfect. he may be nice to elders but when it came to people his age his attitude was unmatched, that is if he was ever to talk to you in the first place.

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